
Alex Xu is an experienced software engineer and entrepreneur. Previously, he worked at Twitter, Apple and Zynga. He can be found online at linkedin (https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-xu-a8131b11/) and twitter (@alexxubyte)


System Design Interview - An Insider's Guide (Volume 2)

This book can be seen as a sequel to the book: System Design Interview - An Insider’s Guide. It covers a different set of system design interview questions and solutions. Although reading Volume 1 is helpful, it is not required. This book should be accessible to readers who have a basic understanding of distributed systems.

This volume provides a reliable strategy and knowledge base for approaching a broad range of system design questions that you may encounter. It will help you feel confident during this important interview. This book provides a step-by-step framework for how to tackle a system design question. It also includes many real-world examples to illustrate a systematic approach, with detailed and well-explained steps you can follow.

What’s inside?

- An insider’s take on what interviewers really look for and why.

- A 4-step framework for solving any system design interview question.

- 13 real system design interview questions with detailed solutions.

- 300+ diagrams to visually explain how different systems work.

Alex Xu is an experienced software engineer and entrepreneur. Previously, he worked at Twitter, Apple and Zynga. He can be found online at linkedin (https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-xu-a8131b11/) and twitter (@alexxubyte)



  • forecs
    Chapter1和3,关于LBS。Chapter 8,关于分布式DB。最后三章关于电子金融。10-13
  • null
  • 不深刻
    如果说DDIA详解了建筑的材料和特性,这本书可能就是教你怎么搭某种特定的房子。好处是高屋建瓴,有许多business context, 章节间可以跳读;相辅相成也造成章节连贯性不强、一些细节草草略过。总的来说还是很推荐& 希望我能早日当上公司的system design面试官。03-26
  • 丸子
  • 3点一直线
    这本书详细很多, 讲得非常好。06-22

