
ROLAND BARTHES was born in 1915 and studied French literature and classics at the University of Paris. After teaching French at universities in Romania and Egypt, he joined the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, where he devoted himself to research in sociology and lexicology. He was a professor at the colege de France until his death in 1980.


These essays, as selected and translated by Stephen Heath, are among the finest writings Barthes ever published on film and photography, and on the phenomena of sound and image. The classic pieces "Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narrative" and "The Death of the Author" are also included.

ROLAND BARTHES was born in 1915 and studied French literature and classics at the University of Paris. After teaching French at universities in Romania and Egypt, he joined the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, where he devoted himself to research in sociology and lexicology. He was a professor at the colege de France until his death in 1980.



  • Bon voyage
    The Death of the Author,From work to text.关于“文本”的概念需注意:所有的作品都可以当成文本 而非有些是作品有些是文本.否则将产生悖论:巴特的文集究竟是一元论本质主义的作品,还是有多种阐释方式的文本?(元语言和描述语言的概念有趣 电影、艺术均可用)03-27
  • dolphin
  • Bricoleur
    惊喜在于eisenstein以及musica practica。s/z在本书中就已经初露峥嵘。04-02
  • 刘映月
    The writer dies at the deadline. 截稿之后,语言符号开始成为起作用的主体,而非作家本人。多年前,《白鹿原》电影发布会上,陈忠实说过类似的话。12-29
  • Faithful
    除了收录了最有名的“作家之死”,罗兰巴特重读拉康signifier和自己的学生兼同事Kristeva的signifiance的文章短小精悍,the obtuse meaning和the Text的概念非常适合用来重新解读诗歌,他的解读有助于理解Kristeva的semiotic. 如巴特所说,language is always vague and conflicting. 而作为学者和老师,我们其实应该是可以发现floating, suspensions, layers of meanings in language而不是将自己假设为权威或者是one meaning的卫道士。The teacher is not the analyst but the analyzed. 11-24

