

David Kadavy is a bestselling author whose books help people be productive when creativity matters. He was design advisor for behavioral scientist Dan Ariely's productivity app, Timeful, where David's "mind management" principles were applied to features now used by millions - in Google Calendar. He lives in Medellín, Colombia. Follow him on Twitter or Instagram at @kadavy.


You have the TIME. Do you have the ENERGY?

You’ve done everything you can to save time. Every productivity tip, every “life hack,” every time management technique.

But the more time you save, the less time you have. The more overwhelmed, stressed, exhausted you feel.

“Time management” is squeezing blood from a stone.

Introducing a new approach to productivity. Instead of struggling to get more out of your time, start effortlessly getting more out of your mind.

In Mind Management, Not Time Management, best-selling author David Kadavy shares the fruits of his decade-long deep dive into how to truly be productive in a constantly changing world.

Quit your daily routine. Use the hidden patterns all around you as launchpads to skyrocket your productivity.

Do in only five minutes what used to take all day. Let your “passive genius” do your best thinking when you’re not even thinking.

“Writer’s block” is a myth. Learn a timeless lesson from the 19th century’s most underrated scientist.

Wield all of the power of technology, with none of the distractions. An obscure but inexpensive gadget may be the shortcut to your superpowers.

Keep going, even when chaos strikes. Tap into the unexpected to find your next Big Idea.

Mind Management, Not Time Management isn’t your typical productivity book. It’s a gripping page-turner chronicling Kadavy’s global search for the keys to unlock the future of productivity.

You’ll learn faster, make better decisions, and turn your best ideas into reality. Buy it today.

David Kadavy is a bestselling author whose books help people be productive when creativity matters. He was design advisor for behavioral scientist Dan Ariely's productivity app, Timeful, where David's "mind management" principles were applied to features now used by millions - in Google Calendar. He lives in Medellín, Colombia. Follow him on Twitter or Instagram at @kadavy.



  • 姜小白
    Dan Ariely曾找到作者,Dan希望利用他的行为科学知识跟作者合作,设计一款基于行为科学的提高效率产品,最后他们把App卖给Google,后面Google calendar的很多features都是出自他们。设计出身,作者分享了从unit到productivity的新兴时间管理理念,把艺术家对灵感的渴望效率化、个体化,非常适合创作型工作的氛围。我跳着读完,觉得它介于Deep Work跟Essentialism两本书之间,narrative不能说服我,但情绪略有启发,时间管理不能单注重于时间,不能把自己管成坐牢,本就擅长偷懒摸鱼的我,不太受此方面的困惑(很早就过了这个阶段)。过于聚焦个人感受,是很好的博客阅读,不太能当方法论看,甚至不如最早期的Getting things done。01-25
  • KevinZii
  • optman
    有限的不是时间,而是你的心智。不是任何事情都可以计划安排得井井有条塞进日程表里的,工作会超时,大脑不是随时在线。放松点,有的时间就是用来浪费的,会有不期而遇的收获。跟着事情走,进入心流。紧盯时间,只会焦虑。就是这么点事,作者吧唧了半天。因为写过一本畅销书,现在想写第二本却没有了灵感,焦虑啊抓狂啊。你不能计划说每天上午9点到10点写一千字,灵感不是说来就来的。为了找灵感,作者甚至跑到外国去闭关写作,可谓费劲周折。把这个折腾的过程写下来,“这就是我如何写成这本书的”,算是完成目标了。书名为心灵管理,可是当你把一切都安排得井井有条,事情皆有节奏的进行时,意外之事总是不期而至,打乱一切。 生活就是这样充满不确定性,得听天命顺天时。最后,没有灵感还是不要写书了。09-25
  • 王小柔
    写给需要做创造性工作的人看的(vs analytical)。讲了Creative work 4阶段(Preparation, Incubation, Illumination, Verification),7种mental state(Prioritize, Explore, Research, Generate, Polish, Administrate, Recharge),以及做事情要跟着mental state来,观察自己的周/月/年routine,“Minimum Creative Dose”的概念,建立“Sloppy”系统的好处等等。还是有点帮助的。01-05

