

This bilingual edition of recent verse by the celebrated Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami (award-winning director of such films as "Close-Up" and "Taste of Cherry") includes English translations of more than two hundred crystalline, haiku-like poems, together with their Persian originals. The translators, noted Persian literature scholars Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak and Michael Beard, contribute an illuminating introduction to Kiarostami's poetic enterprise, examining its relationship to his unique cinematic corpus and to the traditions of classic and contemporary Persian poetry. Of interest to enthusiasts of cinema and literature alike, "Walking with the Wind"--the second volume in Harvard Film Archive's series "Voices and Visions in Film"--sheds light on a contemporary master who transforms simple fragments of reality into evocative narrative landscapes.

阿巴斯·基阿鲁斯达米1940年6月22日生于伊朗首都德黑兰,自小就表现出对艺术的强烈兴趣。毕业于市立美术学院。他发现自己并不适合走美术道路,为了生活,便暂且为交警局设计交通海报,同时给儿童读物画插图,后来开始拍摄广告和短片。对各种工作的尝试为他日后从影积淀了丰富的社会生活经验。1969年是伊朗电影史上不可磨灭的一年——伊朗新浪潮(Iranian New Wave)诞生了,青少年发展研究院聘请阿巴斯组建电影学系,此后的二十三年间(至1992年),他一直在此拍片。电影系成为了制作伊朗新电影的温床,而对阿巴斯本人来说,这同样是他人生的一个重要转折点,正是从六九年开始,作为一名导演、剧作家、制作人以及剪辑师,他如一颗新星在伊朗电影工业浪潮中冉冉升起。




  • ZYN
    Inside the shrine / I thought a thousand thoughts / and when I left / it had snowed.04-20
  • 可可村草
    Good!I like Abbas and his poem.阿巴斯的诗关注的都是一些很细微的事物,像一幅画,细小之处他给能你说出它的不平凡之处。跟咱们的唐诗宋词有很多意境上是相通的,余味悠长。I have come, along with the wind,on the first day of summer.The wind will carry me along on the last day of the fall.01-08
  • 无端
    读出蛮多和中国古典诗歌可以互换相关的意象和心绪,难怪阿巴斯如此喜欢杭州,觉得精神上契合,去的地方也都是很土著的杭州意味,五六次前来体会生活走街串巷找素材。曾经《杭州之恋》的working title就和这本诗集一样,可惜永远不可能被拍出来了。。。06-08
  • 北野
    Nobody can do anything, when the sky means to shed rain.08-18

