

  • 北野
    Nobody can do anything, when the sky means to shed rain.08-18
  • 无端
    读出蛮多和中国古典诗歌可以互换相关的意象和心绪,难怪阿巴斯如此喜欢杭州,觉得精神上契合,去的地方也都是很土著的杭州意味,五六次前来体会生活走街串巷找素材。曾经《杭州之恋》的working title就和这本诗集一样,可惜永远不可能被拍出来了。。。06-08
  • 可可村草
    Good!I like Abbas and his poem.阿巴斯的诗关注的都是一些很细微的事物,像一幅画,细小之处他给能你说出它的不平凡之处。跟咱们的唐诗宋词有很多意境上是相通的,余味悠长。I have come, along with the wind,on the first day of summer.The wind will carry me along on the last day of the fall.01-08
  • ZYN
    Inside the shrine / I thought a thousand thoughts / and when I left / it had snowed.04-20