
Marshall Rosenberg was an American psychologist and the creator of Nonviolent Communication, a communication process that helps people to exchange the information necessary to resolve conflicts and differences peacefully. He was the founder and Director of Educational Services for the Center for Nonviolent Communication, an international non-profit organization.
In 1961, Rosenberg received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Wisconsin–Madison and in 1966 was awarded Diplomate status in clinical psychology from the American Board of Examiners in Professional Psychology. He lived in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where the Center for Nonviolent Communication's office is located.
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An enlightening look at how peaceful communication can create compassionate connections with family, friends, and other acquaintances. The book uses stories, examples, and sample dialogues to provide solutions to communication problems both at home and in the workplace. Guidance is provided on identifying and articulating feelings and needs, expressing anger fully, and exploring the power of empathy in order to speak honestly without creating hostility, break patterns of thinking that lead to anger and depression, and communicate compassionately. These non-violent communication skills are fully explained and can be applied to personal, professional, and political differences. Included in this new edition is information on how to compassionately connect with oneself.

Marshall Rosenberg was an American psychologist and the creator of Nonviolent Communication, a communication process that helps people to exchange the information necessary to resolve conflicts and differences peacefully. He was the founder and Director of Educational Services for the Center for Nonviolent Communication, an international non-profit organization.

In 1961, Rosenb...



  • 木木大洲
    又是一本wish I have read when I was younger. 太棒了,感觉将我之前看的所有关于沟通/谈判/情商的书的知识点融合在一起,形成一个practical handbook。而且篇幅短小,仅仅一百来页,喝杯咖啡就看完了,五星推荐06-23
  • 子不语
    非常好的一本书。但要注意根据The 7 habits of highly effective people的分类,这本书属于interdependence的类别。所以一定要from inside-out,保持一个人的integrity,做好independent,才能更好的使用这些沟通方法。感觉像是对Seek to understand first and then to be understood的扩展,具体讲了empathy。08-19
  • 韩鹿临
  • Eric沈
  • 迷路的小花鸭
    在Youtube上找到的audio book,本来只是随机搜到一段我感兴趣的,没想到一口气听完了整本书。听完发现这个免费的资源竟然不含广告,再然后发现这貌似就是作者本人读的,频道名字就是作者的名字,大概是作者本人发的吧...我想,如果是我看这本书,我可能不一定会很快喜欢上它,可能会觉得啰嗦,可能会觉得说教,可能会用我的intellectual mind去跟他掰扯细节问题...但是我听作者自己读出来,他的声音背后真的有很真诚的共情在,真的很疗愈...光看非暴力沟通这个名字我肯定想不到,原来这是一本关于真正看见对方和自己灵魂的一本书...03-02

