
Paul Murray Kendall was Professor of English Literature at the University of Kansas in Lawrence. Earlier he held the same Chair at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, where he became a Regents Professor Emeritus. In 1970 he was awarded an Honorary L.H.D. (Doctor of Humane Letters) by Ohio University. He spent several years in Europe while carrying out the research for his books. He was the recipient of numerous awards and fellowships, including the Guggenheim. Paul Murray Kendall died in 1973.


'Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick - called the Kingmaker - has been relegated to a famous oblivion: is there any other man in English history so well known and so little known about?' - Paul Murray Kendall, from his Preface.

During the Wars of the Roses, Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, exercised more than regal power. It was he who disposed of Henry VI and gained the throne for Edward IV - and nine years later tried to overthrow him. Edward fled to the Continent, but he returned in strength and crushed the Lancastrians. Warwick's death at the Battle of Barnet (or rather fleeing from it) marked the end of an important era in English history. First published in 1957.

Paul Murray Kendall was Professor of English Literature at the University of Kansas in Lawrence. Earlier he held the same Chair at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, where he became a Regents Professor Emeritus. In 1970 he was awarded an Honorary L.H.D. (Doctor of Humane Letters) by Ohio University. He spent several years in Europe while carrying out the research for his books. H...



  • 戮世摩羅史仗義
    想從不同角度瞭解孤最愛的英格蘭歷史人物。目前為止最靠譜,寫作最有條理的Kingmaker傳記。熊保父真是成也其能,敗也其能。看完的感想:熊保父沒節操也沒氣節,雖有能力,但的確不符合英國傳統文化的道德觀,所以英國人多不喜歡他也是常情。他跟曹操又不同,曹操因演義等作品而有奸雄之稱,然而治理北方曹操明顯有能力也有德行。而熊保父在治境以及外交兩方面差得多。其戰略意識也不算很強。相比之下,真正有能為的還是理查三世和他的女兒Anne Neville.04-10

