
Sarah Waters is a British novelist. She is best known for her first novel, Tipping the Velvet, as well the novels that followed, including Affinity, Fingersmith, and The Night Watch.
Waters attended university, earning degrees in English literature. Before writing novels Waters worked as an academic, earning a doctorate and teaching. Waters went directly from her doctoral thesis to her first novel. It was during the process of writing her thesis that she thought she would write a novel; she began as soon as the thesis was complete.


London 1862. Sue Trinder, orphaned at birth, grows up among petty thieves - fingersmiths - under the rough but loving care of Mrs Sucksby and her 'family'. But from the moment she draws breath, Sue's fate is linked to that of another orphan growing up in a gloomy mansion not too many miles away.

Sarah Waters is a British novelist. She is best known for her first novel, Tipping the Velvet, as well the novels that followed, including Affinity, Fingersmith, and The Night Watch.

Waters attended university, earning degrees in English literature. Before writing novels Waters worked as an academic, earning a doctorate and teaching. Waters went directly from her doctoral thesi...



  • No.A.
    Maud也真是悲催,出生在疯人院,童年陪着疯子们度过,这就够能扭曲人格了,之后还被她uncle领回那淫荡庄园(庄园不淫荡,但里面藏着淫荡图书馆),给那些猥琐的叔叔们朗读无比淫秽的书,再怎么内心强大的人都不带这么玩儿的。长大后性格越发抑郁乖戾还有虐待他人的倾向(悲催的Agnes)。而Sue虽然身处一群骗子中间,但人家出淤泥而不染啊,两人朝夕相处相互同情之下渐生情愫也是难免的事。Sue后来的飞越疯人院充分显示了她的聪明才智比Maud强多了(她俩又多了个共同话题)。可惜事实证明了她是个被人卖了还帮忙数钱的单纯小孩。SW的文字很优美,跟整个故事一样压抑,当然当感情被释放出来的时候我还是挺不好意思看的。*BLUSH* 反正这两人就这么虐来虐去一个腹黑一个柔情似水~总之也可总结为一句话:都是她妈逼的!03-31
  • 阿依达
  • koala
  • 见龙卸甲频率妞
  • 罩四卓

