
Matthew Perry is a Canadian American actor, executive producer, and comedian.


The beloved star of Friends takes us behind the scenes of the hit sitcom and his struggles with addiction in this candid, funny, and revelatory memoir that delivers a powerful message of hope and persistence

In an extraordinary story that only he could tell, Matthew Perry takes readers onto the soundstage of the most successful sitcom of all time while opening up about his private struggles with addiction. Candid, self-aware, and told with his trademark humor, Perry vividly details his lifelong battle with the disease and what fueled it despite seemingly having it all.

Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing is an unforgettable memoir that shares the most intimate details of the love Perry lost, his darkest days, and his greatest friends.

Unflinchingly honest, moving, and hilarious: this is the book fans have been waiting for.

Matthew Perry is a Canadian American actor, executive producer, and comedian.



  • 姜小白
    之前看了一半实在受不了这个narrative就弃了,谁知竟成告别书,出版社早知道也会找水平更好一点的ghost writer或者干脆鼓励他自己写。跟吴孟达的经历太像了,但达叔晚年回首自己的荒唐,苦笑中是极其深刻的反思,成年太早迎面来的东西过于有诱惑力,达叔跟许知远在节目中的表达,让人印象深刻。Matthew Perry在节目里,同样是以亲历者的身份他却是怼人,酒精毒品这些到底是不是个人选择,从trauma base的角度看的确可以讨论,但完全把那些荒唐剥离出去,显得极其巨婴。就王力宏那样伤害爱人一下,都引起了很多粉转路人;不敢想象Matthew Perry是黄皮肤,按他这「虽然我酗酒吸毒出轨但其实我都是被逼的」,会激起何种舆论。金色梦乡,再见了老伙计。还没读的朋友,真心建议别读。10-31
  • Grace_BC
  • 王贫困
    几个感受: 1.当演员真的太挣钱了!他正经工作那几年挣的钱怎么后来几十年挥霍都花不完。 2.如果书里写的是真的,那各种瘾真的太毁人了。3. 他说他要是从头再来宁愿没钱没名气也不要这些瘾,我不信。4. 他身上的童年创伤和戏剧性感觉就是typical Hollywood actor character啊,真的有些人注定要出名。5. 他是可以写东西的哎!11-17
  • H.Wu
  • 找不着北
    吸毒酗酒控制不了自己我理解 劈腿怎么还能写的冠冕堂皇的呢11-28

