

Employing analytical tools borrowed from game theory, Carles Boix offers a complete theory of political transitions. It is one in which political regimes ultimately depend on the nature of economic assets, their distribution among individuals, and the balance of power among different social groups. Backed by detailed historical research and extensive statistical analysis from the mid-nineteenth century, the study reveals why democracy emerged in classical Athens. It also covers the early triumph of democracy in nineteenth-century agrarian Norway, Switzerland and northeastern America as well as its failure in countries with a powerful landowning class.


"...sweeping in its thematic scope. All should be stimulated by the theoretical debate. Recommended." C.H. Blake, James Madison University, CHOICE

"Anyone interested in the origins of democracy or in contemporary political economy will need to read this important work." Nicolas van de Walle, Cornell University

Employing analytical tools borrowed from game theory, Carles Boix offers a complete theory of political transitions. It is one in which political regimes ultimately depend on the nature of economic assets, their distribution among individuals, and the balance of power among different social groups. Backed by detailed historical research and extensive statistical analysis from t...



  • 功夫熊猫小碗熊
  • 天空的星
  • 高端韭菜kimi
    真心不错,在写翔一般的research proposal的时候读到的好书10-29
  • follett
  • 白菜爱好者
    虽说实证部分都描述性为主,但能通过formal model正儿八经探索这么多议题真的牛12-14

