
His recent films The Pervert's Guide to the Cinema and Zizek! reveal a theorist at the peak of his powers and a skilled communicator. Now Verso is making his classic titles, each of which stand as a core of his ever-expanding life's work, available as new editions. Each is beautifully re-packaged, including new introductions from Zizek himself. Simply put, they are the essential texts for understanding Zizek's thought and thus cornerstones of contemporary philosophy. The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology A specter is haunting Western thought, the specter of the Cartesian subject. In this book Slavoj Zizek unearths a subversive core to this elusive specter, and finds within it the indispensable philosophical point of reference for any genuinely emancipatory project.



  • 朗塞斯顿的一晚
    Whither Oedipus:Such committees, or “substitute small big Others” (1999:334), have sprouted because the big Other no longer operates as “a symbolic point of reference that would serve as a safe and unproblematic moral anchor” (1999:332).11-13
  • 戴着镣铐起舞
  • 叶隐锅岛拉面
  • blandfy

