

Donna J. Haraway is distinguished professor emerita in the History of Consciousness Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz, where she is also affiliated with the departments of anthropology, feminist studies, environmental studies, and film and digital media. She is an active participant in UCSC s Science and Justice Research Center and the Center for Cultural Studies.
Cary Wolfe is Bruce and Elizabeth Dunlevie Professor of English at Rice University, where he is also founding director of 3CT (Center for Critical and Cultural Theory). His books"Zoontologies: The Question of the Animal, The Other Emerson "(with Branka Arsic), and "What Is Posthumanism?" are published by Minnesota.



Electrifying, provocative, and controversial when first published thirty years ago, Donna Haraway s Cyborg Manifesto is even more relevant today, when the divisions that she so eloquently challenges of human and machine but also of gender, class, race, ethnicity, sexuality, and location are increasingly complex. The subsequent Companion Species Manifesto, which further questions the human nonhuman disjunction, is no less urgently needed in our time of environmental crisis and profound polarization.

"Manifestly Haraway" brings together these momentous manifestos to expose the continuity and ramifying force of Haraway s thought, whose significance emerges with engaging immediacy in a sustained conversation between the author and her long-term friend and colleague Cary Wolfe. Reading cyborgs and companion species through and with each other, Haraway and Wolfe join in a wide-ranging exchange on the history and meaning of the manifestos in the context of biopolitics, feminism, Marxism, human nonhuman relationships, making kin, literary tropes, material semiotics, the negative way of knowing, secular Catholicism, and more.

The conversation ends by revealing the early stages of Haraway s Chthulucene Manifesto, in tension with the teleologies of the doleful Anthropocene and the exterminationist Capitalocene. Deeply dedicated to a diverse and robust earthly flourishing, "Manifestly Haraway" promises to reignite needed discussion in and out of the academy about biologies, technologies, histories, and still possible futures.


Donna J. Haraway is distinguished professor emerita in the History of Consciousness Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz, where she is also affiliated with the departments of anthropology, feminist studies, environmental studies, and film and digital media. She is an active participant in UCSC s Science and Justice Research Center and the Center for Cultural S...



  • clee
    Cyborg Manifesto是经典檄文(out of rage), companion manifesto却像一杯温水。虽然Haraway说是out of love and joy, 其中也有不少隐喻(而不是cyborg里尖利的讽刺),但看起来还是没有了第一篇檄文的力度。是否接受、仔细查看,而非革命、推翻、大声呼喊,这本身就是companion manifesto的用意呢?倒是最后Haraway和Posthumanism的领衔人物(编辑?)Cary Wolfe的对谈,用更直白的语言描画出两篇manifesto中若隐若现的脉络。Haraway的个人背景、时代背景、affirmative bio politics、capitalocene与chthlucene…对理解Haraway很有帮助03-30
  • Luc X
    Manifestó 03-07
  • 散木
    《赛博格宣言》开头超酷的,虽说是宣言,但很快就变成了一篇论文,离我的预期越来越远。从Organics of Domination到Informatics of Domination转变那张表里一大堆术语都可以单独发文唬人。只是不知道除了女性主义科幻作品,还能有哪些地方能用得上才让它火到出圈。Seminar老师说1829年的Ethiopian Manifesto和它有联系,搞不清楚。02-20
  • Ἴκαρος
    A Cyborg Manifesto 真的是让人拍案叫绝,叛逆性的观点和讽刺性的文风相得益彰,so exciting!11-08

