
Stephen Prata , now retired, taught astronomy, physics, and programming at the College of Marin in Kentfield, California. He received his B.S. from the California Institute of Technology and his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. His association with computers began with the computer modeling of star clusters. Stephen as authored or coauthored over a dozen books, including C++ Primer Plus and Unix Primer Plus.


C Primer Plus is a carefully tested, well-crafted, and complete tutorial on a subject core to programmers and developers. This computer science classic teaches principles of programming, including structured code and top-down design.

Author and educator Stephen Prata has created an introduction to C that is instructive, clear, and insightful. Fundamental programming concepts are explained along with details of the C language. Many short, practical examples illustrate just one or two concepts at a time, encouraging readers to master new topics by immediately putting them to use.

Review questions and programming exercises at the end of each chapter bring out the most critical pieces of information and help readers understand and digest the most difficult concepts. A friendly and easy-to-use self-study guide, this book is appropriate for serious students of programming, as well as developers proficient in other languages with a desire to better understand the fundamentals of this core language.

The sixth edition of this book has been updated and expanded to cover the latest developments in C as well as to take a detailed look at the new C11 standard. In C Primer Plus you’ll find depth, breadth, and a variety of teaching techniques and tools to enhance your learning:

Complete, integrated discussion of both C language fundamentals and additional features

Clear guidance about when and why to use different parts of the language

Hands-on learning with concise and simple examples that develop your understanding of a concept or two at a time

Hundreds of practical sample programs

Review questions and programming exercises at the end of each chapter to test your understanding

Coverage of generic C to give you the greatest flexibility

Stephen Prata , now retired, taught astronomy, physics, and programming at the College of Marin in Kentfield, California. He received his B.S. from the California Institute of Technology and his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. His association with computers began with the computer modeling of star clusters. Stephen as authored or coauthored over a dozen books...



  • 猪七七
  • cosy
    优秀的C语言入门书籍,对零基础读者非常友好,这点比K&R C强很多。读书是一件很私人的事情,如人饮水冷暖自知。如果自己水平一般却要强上高难度教材,吃苦头的是自己。12-31
  • 天天
  • 飘过321
  • 夏夜寂寞属壁虎
    相当的内容是跳着读的。头几章的内容应该是面向零基础的编程小白吧,都是简单介绍一些非常基础的概念。第10章讲指针和array,把坑讲得很清楚,有种豁然开朗的感觉,不过看到后面还是觉得讲得不够透彻,所以降一星。P.S. 书里小错误还不少,需要留心运行结果与源代码是否能对上、参考C99/C11标准。如有概念上的冲突,一律以C标准为准。03-18

