
Ling Zhang is an Assistant Professor of History at Boston College, Massachusetts. She was a Ziff Environmental Fellow at the Center for the Environment at Harvard University, Massachusetts and a postdoctoral fellow in the Program of Agrarian Studies at Yale University, Connecticut. She is currently working on a book project entitled China's Sorrow or the Yellow River's Sorrow: Environmental Biographies of a River Community.


On July 19, 1048, the Yellow River breached its banks, drastically changing its course across the Hebei Plain and turning it into a delta where the river sought a path out to the ocean. This dramatic shift of forces in the natural world resulted from political deliberation and hydraulic engineering of the imperial state of the Northern Song Dynasty. It created 80 years of social suffering, economic downturn, political upheaval, and environmental changes, which reshaped the medieval North China Plain and challenged the state. Ling Zhang deftly applies textual analysis, theoretical provocation, and modern scientific data in her gripping analysis of how these momentous events altered China's physical and political landscapes and how its human communities adapted and survived. In so doing, she opens up an exciting new field of research by wedding environmental, political, economic, and social history in her examination of one of North China's most significant environmental changes.

Ling Zhang is an Assistant Professor of History at Boston College, Massachusetts. She was a Ziff Environmental Fellow at the Center for the Environment at Harvard University, Massachusetts and a postdoctoral fellow in the Program of Agrarian Studies at Yale University, Connecticut. She is currently working on a book project entitled China's Sorrow or the Yellow River's Sorrow: ...



  • FoundObject
  • Doro_
    前几天开会见到了女神,好可爱而且学术素养没得说,周围都是美国人突然来一个英音也是非常清新了。这本书其实比较facts solid,结论也还好,不过是下一本的铺垫。期待下一本书,据女神讲是关于以邻为壑的environmental ethics,从三代一直写下来,估计会是一本巨书哈哈哈哈。03-19
  • 余草
    不做古代史所以无法给出很专业的评价,很难判断一手史料用得巧不巧,史料分析是否到位。不过我觉得这本书很好地补充并挑战了G. William Skinner 施堅雅的physiographic subregions and macro regions 以及Wittfogel的hydraulic despotism。最大心得:羡慕。如果我的arguments也能够写得如此清晰就好了。11-02
  • 狗在思考
    厉害,从河北-黄河混合体(或者说共同体)这个概念的提出就让人觉得作者非常敏锐。。看起来是宏观环境史,但实际上非常细致的分析了微观权力运作对于这场「环境剧」的作用。提出宋代河北形成水利消耗模式,对魏特夫的治水社会形成挑战。。其实对我印象最深的还是河北地域的分析,从春秋战国到五代都保持政治经济文化独立性的河北,在宋朝通过政策(尤其提到稳定性较强的农业经济政策)逐步被transform为一个以军事为导向的中央集权帝国的外围组成部分,在完成这种转换后,面对黄河,河北并无多少抵抗力地成为了被选定的environmental victim,而这件事的影响是极其深远的,在黄河南流或重新东流之后,河北地区仍然在为这场12世纪就应该结束的环境剧付出代价,直到今日。。12-03
  • 箫心冰蕊

