
Erika Fatland studied Social Anthropology at the University of Oslo. Her 2011 book, The Village of Angels, was an in situ report on the Beslan terror attacks of 2004 and she is also the author of The Year Without Summer, describing the harrowing year that followed the massacre on Utøya in 2011. For Sovietistan (2019) she was shortlisted for the Edward Stanford/Lonely Planet Debut Travel Writer of the Year, and The Border (2020) was shortlisted for the Stanfords Dolman Travel Book of the Year 2020. Both are available from Pegasus Books. She speaks eight languages and lives in Oslo with her husband.
Kari Dickson is a translator from Norwegian of crime fiction, literary fiction, children's books, theatre, and non-fiction, including Erika Fatland's Sovietistan and The Border. She is also an occasional tutor in Norwegian language, literature, and translation at the University of Edinburgh.


The Himalaya weave through five very different countries, where the world religions of Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism are mixed with ancient shamanic religions. Countless languages and vastly different cultures live in the secluded mountain valleys. Modernity and tradition collide, while the great powers fight for influence.

We have read about mountain climbers on their way up Mount Everest and about travellers on the spiritual quest for Buddhist monasteries. But how much do we know about the people living in the Himalaya? Fatland invites us into close encounters with the many peoples of the region, and at the same time takes us on a dizzying journey at altitude through incredible landscapes and dramatic, unknown world histories - all the way to the most volatile human conflicts of our times.

Erika Fatland studied Social Anthropology at the University of Oslo. Her 2011 book, The Village of Angels, was an in situ report on the Beslan terror attacks of 2004 and she is also the author of The Year Without Summer, describing the harrowing year that followed the massacre on Utøya in 2011. For Sovietistan (2019) she was shortlisted for the Edward Stanford/Lonely Planet Deb...



  • 喜喜
    用了一个月才读完Erica的第三本书,总体较为平淡。《中亚行纪》有其独特性,所以经历也很精彩。《the border》的一些国家的旅行经历也更有趣,比如蒙古、朝鲜、南奥赛梯。这本包含了不丹、印度,尼泊尔、中国的旅行经历,也许因为文化更加接近,没有什么太多新鲜感。感觉作者的这趟长途旅行也很疲乏,写起来也很挣扎。不过确实听了读者的反馈,书里完全没有大篇幅的历史背景介绍了。整本让我最感动的竟然是丽江一个自学俄语,翻译了两本没出版的书的修车老头送了作者两包绿茶的小细节。03-08
  • Terri
  • 歐陽杼
  • eastrose
  • Julie
    太好看了,一口气看完。对这个地区本来就充满了好奇心,作者不仅详细的介绍了几条我接下来的旅行可能要走的路线,比如转山冈仁波齐,徒步到珠峰大本营等;还有很多详实的历史文化和风土人情的介绍,受益匪浅。原来克什米尔这么美,原来尼泊尔皇族还有过那样骇人听闻的王子屠杀全家的过往;原来apatani tribe的女人会在脸上画上黑线并戴上两个让鼻子变塌的鼻环;原来kalash族的传统服饰那样美......03-22

