
Tutors at Embedded Systems Academy


About The Book

Being three authors, we divided “Embedded Networking with CAN and CANopen” into three parts:

Part 1: “Using CANopen” by Olaf Pfeiffer

This part focuses on CANopen up to the system integrator level. Any technician or engineer that needs to be able to configure and/or maintain a CANopen network will find the required knowledge to do so in this part. The last chapter in this part contains a step-by-step example of a network configuration and test cycle.

Understanding Embedded Networking Requirements

The CANopen Standard

CANopen Beyond DS301

CANopen Configuration Example

Part 2: “CANopen Engineering” by Chris Keydel

This is the part for engineers that either just need to have a detailed knowledge of how CAN and CANopen work or that actually develop their own CANopen devices. Different implementation methods are introduced and compared with each other.

Underlying Technology: CAN

Implementing CANopen

Part 3 “CANopen Reference” by Andrew Ayre

A pure reference section for all CANopen users. Key elements of CANopen are summarized in a way that allows a quick look-up. The core of this part is an Object Dictionary reference listing all Object Dictionary entries specified by the CiA CANopen standards DS301 and DS302.

Frequently Asked Questions

Physical Layer

Data Types

The Object Dictionary

Minimal Object Dictionaries

Communication Object Identifiers (COB IDs)

Emergency Objects

SDO Abort Messages

Node States

CANopen Glossary (provided by CiA)

Tutors at Embedded Systems Academy



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