
Giorgio Agamben is a contemporary Italian philosopher and political theorist whose works have been translated into numerous languages. His most recent title with Stanford University Press is Pilate and Jesus (2014).


We can no longer speak of a state of war in any traditional sense, yet there is currently no viable theory to account for the manifold internal conflicts, or civil wars, that increasingly afflict the world's populations. Meant as a first step toward such a theory, Giorgio Agamben's latest book looks at how civil war was conceived of at two crucial moments in the history of Western thought: in ancient Athens (from which the political concept of stasis emerges) and later, in the work of Thomas Hobbes. It identifies civil war as the fundamental threshold of politicization in the West, an apparatus that over the course of history has alternately allowed for the de-politicization of citizenship and the mobilization of the unpolitical. The arguments herein, first conceived of in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, have become ever more relevant now that we have entered the age of planetary civil war.

Giorgio Agamben is a contemporary Italian philosopher and political theorist whose works have been translated into numerous languages. His most recent title with Stanford University Press is Pilate and Jesus (2014).



  • 社会正义武士
  • zh
    9/11的节点引入的思考,阿甘本试图去建构一种区别于革命理论的内战理论,第一部分选取了古希腊城邦中的内乱来说明内战是城邦和家之间界限变得模糊的时刻(人的自然生命与政治身份的界限消失而成为遭致双重排除的bare life),第二部分对利维坦的这个书名解读很有意思也很颠覆,通过霍布斯政治神学的末世论视角重新联系上了弥赛亚主义。03-26
  • 丁萌
    civil war as a threshold (dis)articulating the political and the unpolitical, a threshold maintaining the operation of politics despite the immanent split of the popular sovereignty (a secularized eschatology)08-27
  • Ludwigsama
  • 泽漆
    为光学装置而来,看到很短就顺带读完了。Agamben这篇小文很会吸收文献成果,就Leviathan frontispiece的介绍很informative。后面谈到Liber floridus对Jerome解释的继承很好,但这个传统如何连接到霍布斯,我想看到论证。11-20

