
From the editor of the widely praised The Landmark Thucydides, a new Landmark Edition of The Histories by Herodotus, the greatest classical work of history ever written.

Herodotus was a Greek historian living in Ionia during the fifth century BCE. He traveled extensively through the lands of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea and collected stories, and then recounted his experiences with the varied people and cultures he encountered. Cicero called him “the father of history,” and his only work, The Histories, is considered the first true piece of historical writing in Western literature. With lucid prose that harks back to the time of oral tradition, Herodotus set a standard for narrative nonfiction that continues to this day.

In The Histories, Herodotus chronicles the rise of the Persian Empire and its dramatic war with the Greek city-states. Within that story he includes rich veins of anthropology, ethnography, geology, and geography, pioneering these fields of study, and explores such universal themes as the nature of freedom, the role of religion, the human costs of war, and the dangers of absolute power.

Ten years in the making, The Landmark Herodotus gives us a new, dazzling translation by Andrea L. Purvis that makes this remarkable work of literature more accessible than ever before. Illustrated, annotated, and filled with maps, this edition also includes an introduction by Rosalind Thomas and twenty-one appendices written by scholars at the top of their fields, covering such topics as Athenian government, Egypt, Scythia, Persian arms and tactics, the Spartan state, oracles, religion, tyranny, and women.

Like The Landmark Thucydides before it, The Landmark Herodotus is destined to be the most readable and comprehensively useful edition of The Histories available.



  • 人尽
    被这个版本和这个出版社感动得快哭了,真的是人生见过的制作最用心、读着感觉最好的历史书排版:每页各种详细地图、底下各种详细注释、每段边上的批注、书尾的附录。手上另外两本牛津版和企鹅版的被完爆十八条街。读的时候就默默难过,要是史记啊资治通鉴啊也能出这样的版本就好了T,T,也不用每次一边读、一手google map、一手照着历朝地图艰苦地翻翻翻了。又为这个版本感动又为国文史籍没这样的版本遗憾甚至难过。02-20
  • 听候清退旧精魂
  • Lycurgus
  • Caesura
    可能是读的太快了,出了一些fantastical stories(比如骑海豚那个。。),没有被打动多少02-28
  • Donald
    Really useful to have all those maps and notes and whatnot.04-17

