
Louise Elisabeth Glück (born April 22, 1943) is an American poet. She was appointed Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress in 2003, after serving as a Special Bicentennial Consultant three years prior in 2000.[1] She won the National Book Award for Poetry in 2014 for Faithful and Virtuous Night.


This is the first collection of poems by Louise Glück, who was born in 1943 in New York. In 1967 she received a Rockefeller Foundation grant for her poetry.

Louise Elisabeth Glück (born April 22, 1943) is an American poet. She was appointed Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress in 2003, after serving as a Special Bicentennial Consultant three years prior in 2000.[1] She won the National Book Award for Poetry in 2014 for Faithful and Virtuous Night.



  • Lycidas
    “Our lives are strands between the miracles of birth and death.” Glück在第一本诗集就已对词语的排列组合有了出人意表的丰盛想象力,轻易勾勒出边缘人物落拓的肖像,就好像车窗外匆匆瞥见的身影,面目模糊而惆怅。尤其喜爱关于Nantucket那一首。the aftermath of love, hopeless, pitiless, merciless.(越往后越好,读诗集竟也读出渐进的兴奋感)11-04
  • 闻人林
  • 拉维克
    格吕克曾经说过,不要从我的第一本书开始读,unless they want to feel contempt. 但其实并没有那么糟。诗人自己给这本书风格的定义是embarrassed tenderness,说得也非常精准,比如开篇火车上看到孩子头上蠕动的虱子,火车上冲马桶,母亲烤肉串时候绷紧的皮肤,汤里的洋葱片像奥菲莉亚,圆月似阿司匹林......其实就是格吕克的"尴尬美学"嘛。可惜后面她就转换风格了。(另外跑偏地说一句,张爱玲的小说也有点"尴尬美学"的特质:人情世故,反高潮,巅峰就是《小团圆》)04-25
  • 逸者路加

