
The success stories speak for themselves in this book from money maestro Dave Ramsey. Instead of promising the normal dose of quick fixes, Ramsey offers a bold, no-nonsense approach to money matters, providing not only the how-to but also a grounded and uplifting hope for getting out of debt and achieving total financial health. Ramsey debunks the many myths of money (exposing the dangers of cash advance, rent-to-own, debt consolidation) and attacks the illusions and downright deceptions of the American dream, which encourages nothing but overspending and massive amounts of debt. "Don't even consider keeping up with the Joneses," Ramsey declares in his typically candid style. "They're broke!" The Total Money Makeover isn't theory. It works every single time. It works because it is simple. It works because it gets to the heart of the money problems: you.



  • 姜小白
    我们这波看过n轮理财区精华帖的老网民容易觉得cliche,可一旦试图把自己脑子里的观念分享给被小额贷困住的人,会感到为难——像是只能意会不能言传。这本书做到了言传,态度诚恳,基于自己惨败的经验很有同理心。我们没bankruptcy做底线,很多年轻人一失足就一生毁掉了,很难有再开始的机会。可这种环境下,我们比paycheck to paycheck的生活方式更刺激:我们习惯把置业当投资,我们这边的氛围默认mortgage是资产而不是债务。读完这本书,再仔细想想为什么不出台bankruptcy,背后的逻辑很好理解,银行的风险由老百姓来分摊。If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time,真正需要这本书的人会认为它是鸡汤不值得读,人生好难。08-04
  • Y7UK2
  • 采花贼欧亨利
  • 漫不经心
    这本书更针对美国全民贷款从小贷款的群体,并不是很适合中国人的理财观念。虽然里面一些观点有点陈旧,不过也有很多值得借鉴的地方,尤其是作者坚持家长要先管好自己的生活,最后才是投资孩子。1. 紧急备用金。3-6 month 家庭生活费.2. 按金额从小大把所有贷款办完(不算房贷).3. 把应急资金存满.4. 投资,买四种不同种类基金(收入15%).5. 孩子学费.6. 房贷尽快付完.(至此贷款全无). 7.把闲钱投资.8.把钱给真正有困难的人.06-14
  • Annieangel
    听到一半被我退掉了。Dave Ramsey一开口像邪教领袖。也不是书不好吧,适用人群毕竟不同,还挺适合付不出首付月月还卡贷的普通美国人的。03-04

