
Amitav Ghosh is a novelist and essayist whose many books include the acclaimed Ibis Trilogy (Sea of Poppies, River of Smoke, and Flood of Fire), Gun Island, Jungle Nama: A Story of the Sundarban, and The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable, the latter also published by the University of Chicago Press.


In this ambitious successor to The Great Derangement, acclaimed writer Amitav Ghosh finds the origins of our contemporary climate crisis in Western colonialism’s violent exploitation of human life and the natural environment.

A powerful work of history, essay, testimony, and polemic, Amitav Ghosh’s new book traces our contemporary planetary crisis back to the discovery of the New World and the sea route to the Indian Ocean. The Nutmeg’s Curse argues that the dynamics of climate change today are rooted in a centuries-old geopolitical order constructed by Western colonialism. At the center of Ghosh’s narrative is the now-ubiquitous spice nutmeg. The history of the nutmeg is one of conquest and exploitation—of both human life and the natural environment. In Ghosh’s hands, the story of the nutmeg becomes a parable for our environmental crisis, revealing the ways human history has always been entangled with earthly materials such as spices, tea, sugarcane, opium, and fossil fuels. Our crisis, he shows, is ultimately the result of a mechanistic view of the earth, where nature exists only as a resource for humans to use for our own ends, rather than a force of its own, full of agency and meaning.

Writing against the backdrop of the global pandemic and the Black Lives Matter protests, Ghosh frames these historical stories in a way that connects our shared colonial histories with the deep inequality we see around us today. By interweaving discussions on everything from the global history of the oil trade to the migrant crisis and the animist spirituality of Indigenous communities around the world, The Nutmeg’s Curse offers a sharp critique of Western society and speaks to the profoundly remarkable ways in which human history is shaped by non-human forces.

Amitav Ghosh is a novelist and essayist whose many books include the acclaimed Ibis Trilogy (Sea of Poppies, River of Smoke, and Flood of Fire), Gun Island, Jungle Nama: A Story of the Sundarban, and The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable, the latter also published by the University of Chicago Press.



  • 余草
  • 只在地球住几晚
  • momo1564
  • 张大猫
    这个书定位很尴尬,作者有人类学phd学位,但一直在大众出版界混写写科普之类的,然后在芝大社出版了这个东西——在一个学术出版社做了一个文字工作(然后这个文字工作还有review,长得和学术作品一样,然而基本经不起推敲)。主题是今天人类学时髦的气候变化、环境正义、本体论转向、后殖民等等,相信能看出门道的朋友们已经知道这个书的大致写法了;唯独需要说的是作者隐含的ANT取向其实有点垮了,过于normative的结果就是落入拉图尔批评的,用一种结构性的视角去看待人-物关系而忽略了物本身能在这里发挥的作用;对“indigenous”有点浪漫化也是个问题,作者是个印度人结果搞得和比弗利山庄liberal brat一样。ps:上课的时候老师说当时不如选《末日松茸》,合计着定课纲的时候老师也没看过书……04-01

