
John Abromeit is an assistant professor in the Department of History and Social Studies Education at the State University of New York, Buffalo. He is the co-editor of Herbert Marcuse: Heideggerian Marxism (2005) and Herbert Marcuse: A Critical Reader (2004), and his articles and book reviews have appeared in Theory and Society; Theory, Culture and Society; Radical Philosophy and Constellations. Professor Abromeit previously held a Harper–Schmidt postdoctoral position in the social sciences in the University of Chicago Society of Fellows.


This book is the first comprehensive intellectual biography of Max Horkheimer during the early and middle phases of his life (1895-1941). Drawing on unexamined new sources, John Abromeit describes the critical details of Horkheimer's intellectual development. This study recovers and reconstructs the model of early Critical Theory that guided the work of the Institute for Social Research in the 1930s. Horkheimer is remembered primarily as the co-author of Dialectic of Enlightenment, which he wrote with Theodor W. Adorno in the early 1940s. But few people realize that Horkheimer and Adorno did not begin working together seriously until the late 1930s or that the model of Critical Theory developed by Horkheimer and Erich Fromm in the late 1920s and early 1930s differs in crucial ways from Dialectic of Enlightenment. Abromeit highlights the ways in which Horkheimer's early Critical Theory remains relevant to contemporary theoretical discussions in a wide variety of fields.

John Abromeit is an assistant professor in the Department of History and Social Studies Education at the State University of New York, Buffalo. He is the co-editor of Herbert Marcuse: Heideggerian Marxism (2005) and Herbert Marcuse: A Critical Reader (2004), and his articles and book reviews have appeared in Theory and Society; Theory, Culture and Society; Radical Philosophy an...



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    学术典范! Abromeit想要恢复霍克海默40年代以前的开放的“资产阶级社会的辩证法”,霍克海默以跨学科的姿态细致入微地考察了不同国家、阶段和独特思想家的观念,并在马克思主义对经济运动过程的关注之外加上精神分析,关心权威、家庭等复杂的历史中介。 作者认为,阿多诺的反历史主义、对献祭式理性存在于整个西方历史之中的观念,和波洛克对国家资本主义作为西方统一趋势的强调,带给霍克海默并不积极的影响,使得霍克海默放弃了早年差异化的、历史化的精细视角。不过,作者同样承认,阿多诺式的“历史在真理中”,实际上是对法西斯主义当下历史的回应,强调历史的价值在于与当下相关的方面,而不是复原历史,这一点仍是有意义的。除了哈贝马斯的实用主义语言学,霍克海默同样提供了超越意识哲学的方式,甚至可以填补语言学转向的缺陷。01-11
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