
Private Detective Cormoran Strike is visiting his family in Cornwall when he is approached by a woman asking for help finding her mother, Margot Bamborough - who went missing in mysterious circumstances in 1974.

Strike has never tackled a cold case before, let alone one forty years old. But despite the slim chance of success, he is intrigued and takes it on; adding to the long list of cases that he and his partner in the agency, Robin Ellacott, are currently working on. And Robin herself is also juggling a messy divorce and unwanted male attention, as well as battling her own feelings about Strike.

As Strike and Robin investigate Margot's disappearance, they come up against a fiendishly complex case with leads that include tarot cards, a psychopathic serial killer and witnesses who cannot all be trusted. And they learn that even cases decades old can prove to be deadly . . .



  • Xenia
  • 真的好看,政治放一边,罗琳的业务能力太强大了。完全没有想到的嫌疑犯,以及那场晚餐派对营造的紧张气氛。927页,没有一页废话。Fabulous! 01-01
  • 公园
    Couldn’t have imagined I’d relate to Robin this much when I opened the first book in 2014. Tired, broken, and absolutely not ready to give up. It was a true privilege to have grown up with Harry and now I have never felt so brave to ride into the next ten years with Robin and Strike. Thank you, Rowling, with all my heart.01-31
  • 小宗
    一本罪案小说9天才读完!Mind you,我每天至少花2小时读它。开头10章事实上还不错,但越到后面越啰嗦,废话太多,这书如果不是JK罗琳写的,编辑肯定退回去要求删减1/3再交稿……哎,为了两个主角的感情线还是给四星吧,很吃这种先当best friends的设定。12-09
  • Pluto&Piaget
    考LSAT前一周读完九百页,然后就开始学占星。未见之处有暗色规律悄悄运行,逾越了生活。罗琳写故事的流畅程度真的是老天赏饭吃!看到第五部,更记住了伦敦的样子:很多酒吧,圣诞节的香水商店,在雨天死去的女人。斯特莱克打败了Denny Creed 我为这简单的邪不压正而开心极了01-10

