

KEY BENEFIT : Horngren’s Cost Accounting defined the cost accounting market and continues to innovate today by consistently integrating the most current practice and theory. This acclaimed, number one market-leading book embraces the basic theme of “different costs for different purposes.” It reaches beyond cost accounting procedures to consider concepts, analyses, and management. This latest edition of Cost Accounting incorporates the latest research and most up-to-date thinking into all relevant chapters. KEY TOPICS : Professional issues related to Management Accounting and Management Accountants are emphasized. Chapter topics cover the accountant's role in the organization to performance measurement, compensation, and multinational considerations. MARKET : For future accountants who want to enhance their understanding of—and ability to—solve cost accounting problems.



  • Smooching
    fifteenth edition12-28
  • 3000
    2013 S2-3, 废话太多,但是举例特别的棒。06-22

