

For courses in Image Processing and Computer Vision. Completely self-contained--and heavily illustrated--this introduction to basic concepts and methodologies for digital image processing is written at a level that truly is suitable for seniors and first-year graduate students in almost any technical discipline. The leading textbook in its field for more than twenty years, it continues its cutting-edge focus on contemporary developments in all mainstream areas of image processing--e.g., image fundamentals, image enhancement in the spatial and frequency domains, restoration, color image processing, wavelets, image compression, morphology, segmentation, image description, and the fundamentals of object recognition. It focuses on material that is fundamental and has a broad scope of application.

Rafael C.Gonzalez于佛罗里达大学电气工程系获博士学位,田纳西大学电气和计算机工程系教授,田纳西大学图像和模式分析实验室、机器人和计算机视觉实验室的创始人及ieee会士。冈萨雷斯博士在模式识别、图像处理和机器人领域编写或与人合著了100多篇技术文章、两《Digital Image Processing (3rd Edition)》和4本教材,他的书已在世界500多所大学和研究所使用。



  • iphyer
    真的是图像处理的圣经。读这本书并不是为了做DIP,而是用来理解 Deep Learning 中的 Filter, 读完神清气爽。这本书真是从最基本的教起,告诉你所有的操作,同时配图简直是绝了。基本上看图就能理解作者的意思。非常推荐!05-23
  • 卡复卡
    Machine Vision03-21
  • 施威林先生
    图像处理基本功(补标:2013那个奋力 coding-from-scratch 的秋天)01-03
  • 读书看电影
    不是很懂但过了一遍,下面开始看和做 computer vision.10-05
  • 林 卓也

