
Author's Main Page: http://dreamtalk.hypermart.net/member/files/linda_magallon.html
The early '80s were alive with the dynamic community energy that became known as the "dreamwork movement." I was fortunate to catch the rising wave of innovation, here in the San Francisco Bay Area.
I served on the founding Board of ASD and my signature is on the incorporation papers. Believe it or not, we used to start our business meetings by sharing dreams (what a radical idea!). Dreams about ASD, that is; about our process as we created this non-profit organization. I've noticed that some of those early symbols and themes continue to reappear in the dreams folks have while attending the yearly conferences.
After the first conference in San Francisco, ASD energy temporarily shifted to the East Coast. That left a vacuum in California. So, the following year, Fred C. Olsen and I co-founded the Bay Area Dreamworkers Group (BADG; pronounced "badge").
Long before the regional ASD meetings came into existence, BADG members practiced the Partnership Paradigm, creating a safe local atmosphere for dream presentations, workshops, dream sharing, and shared dreaming. We hosted picnics, parties, and dream festivals. Throughout the years, as conference location cycles back to California, we've contributed volunteers, board members and conference chairs to ASD. Due to this influx of energy, community dreamworker values provided by BADG and others seep in and express themselves through the ASD ethics statement.
Before entering the dream community, I suffered alone. For almost four decades, I experienced nightmare after traumatic nightmare. I thought they were my fate. Then, at 4:30 in the morning of March 8, 1982, I had an amazing, breakthrough dream (my first lucid dream, my first high-flying dream). It completely changed my sleeping life and led me into the fields of dream and psi.
My determination to track down and resolve the cause of my nightmares eventually converted the original 100% to less than 2% of total dreams. This detective work revealed I'm one of those people that Ernest Hartmann classifies as having "thin boundaries." Only, my condition is not just psychological. It is the result of physical, bio-chemical, cultural and psychic stimulus, too. Resolution has involved dreamwork but, because of the additional factors, I had to seek help in other fields as well.
I received my psychic training at Poseidia Institute in Virginia Beach, but discovered that, despite early acquaintance with leaders in the field of lucid dreaming, I had to learn most dream skills on my own. I now practice dream-art science, a discipline that supports the development of personal skills both in and out of the dream state.
Fortunately, it favors social interaction too. I realized that my new-found joy of dreaming could be both psychic and shared. So I facilitated more than 50 telepathic dream experiments and group dreaming projects, then wrote Mutual Dreaming, the first book to focus on the subject of shared dreaming. To honor that research, BADG awarded me an honorary "Doctorate in Social Dreamology."
Along the way, I created the Fly-By-Night Club research group, edited and published Dream Network Bulletin (now Dream Network), wrote the "Dream Talk" column in the Electric Dreams ezine, coordinated the Seth Dream Network, won prizes at the ASD Dream Ball, and graduated from dreamworker to dreamplayer. I co-founded, co-coordinated, co-managed, co-presented, co-authored, co-created, co-sponsored and co-dreamt with folks in the dream community too numerous to mention here. Thanks to you all!


Discusses how to recognize, decode, and induce shared dreams

Author's Main Page: http://dreamtalk.hypermart.net/member/files/linda_magallon.html

The early '80s were alive with the dynamic community energy that became known as the "dreamwork movement." I was fortunate to catch the rising wave of innovation, here in the San Francisco Bay Area.

I served on the founding Board of ASD and my signature is on the incorporation papers. Believe it...


