高曼士,考古和艺术史方向博士。现就职于比利时鲁汶大学工学院建筑系,也是鲁汶大学雷蒙德·勒麦尔国际保护中心的教授。他负责的专业课程主要有遗产保护历史和理论、建筑考古和建筑历史。现今他的研究主要集中于建筑考古、传统建筑材料和技术史、教堂建筑、1840—1940年西方建筑在中国的建设及其过程中产生的中西方建筑文化交融等。历年发表著作15部、学术论文百余篇。目前他还兼任加拿大魁北克大学城市遗产研究中心的副研究员以及香港中文大学的副教授。他是比利时弗兰芒皇家科学院、国际古迹遗址理事会(ICOMOS)之项目“共有遗产”科学委员会、中国文物保护基金会等多家学术机构的成员。Thomas COOMANS, doctor in archaeology and art history, is a professor at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering Science, KU Leuven (Belgium), where he teaches history and theory of conservation, building archaeology, and architectural history. He is also a staff member of the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation, an associate researcher at the Canada Research Chair on Urban Heritage (UQAM), and has been an adjunct assistant professor at the School of Architecture of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His current research and publications focus on church architecture and East-West architectural transfers in China in the 1840s-1940s. He has published 15 books and more than hundred book chapters and articles in international publications. He is a member of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium, of ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Shared Built Heritage, and of China Cultural Relics Protection Foundation.
XU Yitao, doctor in history, is an associate professor at the School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University, and director of the Department of Architectural Heritage. His teaching and current research are mainly on the history of Chinese architecture, historic building archaeology and heritage conservation in China. He has published more than 40 papers and articles. In 2006, he was elected as one of the 11th Top Ten Teachers of Peking University, and in 2009, won the Teaching Excellence Award of Peking University. In 2010, 2013 and 2015, he was awarded as Outstanding Young Scholar of Peking University. Since 2014 he is a member of the expert panel of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, China.
WU Meiping, holds a doctorate in architectural heritage and conservation from Southeast University, and is now an independent scholar living in Belgium. Her research is mainly on the history and theory of architectural heritage conservation, preventive conservation and monitoring of architectural heritage, adaptive reuse of urban historic buildings, conservation planning of historic cities/towns/villages in China. She has published two books and more than 20 papers.