
In a comparative philosophical perspective, Jiwei Ci provides an thought-provoking philosophical and psychological interpretation of the history of Chinese revolution from Maoist utopianism to reform-era hedonism. Ci argues against the common conception of the Maoist project as ascetic utopianism. Instead, he sees sublimated hedonism as an integral part of utopianism, and through ideological bankruptcy caused by the irreconcilable separation between reality and meaning creates nihilism, in turn leading to full-scale hedonism. Under this universalizing framework, Ci presents the materialist roots of Maoism his detour on the road to capitalism, reframes the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution as struggles against the routinization or depersonalization of charisma,and even reinterprets the Democracy movement and recent anti-corruption agitation as inherently hedonistic.



  • Lincredible#0
  • cercidai
    老师的老师 = = 01-12
  • takethedive
    在五六十年代确实是有一大批人相信乌托邦会存在,并希望有一只手把自己从困顿中解救出来,部分事与愿违。leader对sheer human will深信不疑,鼓励voluntarism但看不到尽头的话也让人失去信任。“people were weak from exhaustion and exhausted from expending energy in vain.” 现在相比过去也没有变化11-09
  • 溪山

