
With "Wizard's First Rule" and seven subsequent masterpieces, Terry Goodkind has thrilled readers worldwide with the unique sweep of his storytelling. Now Goodkind returns with a new novel of Richard and Kahlan, the beginning of a sequence of three novels that will bring their epic story to its culmination. After being gravely injured in battle, Richard awakes to discover Kahlan missing. To his disbelief, no one remembers the woman he is frantically trying to find. Worse, no one believes that she really exists, or that he was ever married. Alone as never before, he must find the woman he loves more than life itself....if she is even still alive. If she was ever even real.



  • No.A.
    这本书四星给得很勉强,要不是我这么爱里面的角色。总之这书可以概括为Richard坚持自己有个老婆叫Kahlan,众人一脸疑惑+无奈,Richard你重伤初愈,记得多吃点脑残片就会好了。BLAH BLAH BLAH总之TG一大男人能把一本书整得跟老太婆裹脚布似地又臭又长我还挺佩服的。亏我熬了两个小夜啊!看完多想骂人啊!我们家Cara和R的感情真不是盖,太哥们儿了,小R觉得人家C是太阳般的存在啊!当时俺就华丽地泪奔了。然后那位nutjob女神Nicci帅得惨绝人寰,单枪匹马直捣敌营,杀掉一片完全走Kahlan路线啊!另外很开心TG终于想起我们家可爱的Berdine了,之前都在打酱油,她跟Verna算是同病相怜,死TG没事就提起伤心往事,讨厌啊!另外Rikka&Zedd斗嘴也很好玩~01-18

