
Responsibility and Judgment gathers together unpublished writings from the last decade of Arendt’s life, where she addresses fundamental questions and concerns about the nature of evil and the making of moral choices. At the heart of the book is a profound ethical investigation, “Some Questions of Moral Philosophy,” in which Arendt confronts the inadequacy of traditional moral “truths” as standards to judge what we are capable of doing and examines anew our ability to distinguish good from evil and right from wrong. We also see how Arendt comes to understand that alongside the radical evil she had addressed in earlier analyses of totalitarianism, there exists a more pernicious evil, independent of political ideology, whose execution is limitless when the perpetrator feels no remorse and can forget his acts as soon as they are committed.

Responsibility and Judgment is an indispensable investigation into some of the most troubling and important issues of our time.


(Hannah Arendt,1906—1975)



杰罗姆•科恩(Jerome Kohn)

New School 阿伦特研究中心主任,阿伦特和布鲁歇尔夫妇遗稿保存人,曾长期担任阿伦特助手。



  • sachroon
    看了前面一半,讲到thinking and moral consideration的时候感觉有点欧哲味道了?04-29
  • ethan
  • Мишка
    推荐collective responsibility一章,彻底讨论了一些在Arendt的Jewish Writings和EJ出现过的collective guilt问题。05-12
  • 马耶!
    Sharp and sincere as always05-19

