
Samia Louis has taught Arabic for fifteen years with the International Language Institute (ILI) in Cairo, an affiliate of the International House World Organization. She is also a writer and course developer.


Drawing on her years of experience as an Arabic instructor and course developer, Samia Louis has used a functional approach to create a bright, innovative set of coursebooks for the study of Egyptian colloquial Arabic the spoken dialect most frequently studied and most widely understood in the Arab world. Now three new books, for beginner, early advanced, and higher advanced students, have been added to the series. Designed according to the ACTFL guidelines for teaching Arabic as a foreign language, each book of Kallimni 'Arabi trains students through highly structured lessons in the crucial skills, with particular emphasis on listening and speaking, using real-life situations and expressions. The accompanying audio CD carries recordings of the dialogs and exercises in each chapter, made by Egyptian native speakers.

Samia Louis has taught Arabic for fifteen years with the International Language Institute (ILI) in Cairo, an affiliate of the International House World Organization. She is also a writer and course developer.



  • De Ajacied
    內容蠻好的,對話都挺實用,雖然情景有點過時。但要是沒有我埃及tutor的guidance自己是不可能看懂的,屬於自學非常unfriendly的教材。錯別字和手滑分錯行什麼的出現頻率有點高。另外雖說著重口語,但拼寫也是過於隨意了… 鑒於市面上目測沒有更好的埃及阿拉伯語教材,以及已經能勉強用夾雜希伯來語和英語的阿拉伯語跟tutor談笑風生了,這書還算是有用的吧…(然後所以為什麼我到現在還沒有在埃及???02-24
  • 你知道我是谁

