

When Prince Oroonokos passion for the virtuous Imoinda arouses the jealousy of his grandfather, the lovers are cast into slavery and transported from Africa to the colony of Surinam. Oroonokos noble bearing soon wins the respect of his English captors, but his struggle for freedom brings about his destruction. Inspired by Aphra Behns visit to Surinam, Oroonoko reflects the authors romantic views of native peoples as being in the first state of innocence, before man knew how to sin. The novel also reveals Behns ambiguous attitude toward slavery: while she favored it as a means to strengthen Englands power, her powerful and moving work conveys its injustice and brutality.



  • mariewyssa
  • Adam
    结局扎心 female/power/slavery/culture/religious a little bit?/ betray. 5页翻转,前面像在看童话。最后一页在当下可以说非常ironic了:“no true democracy has ever existed, nor ever will exist."06-30
  • Ion
    与其说叙述者/作者在赞美African black Oroonoko在soul和body两方面的卓越不凡以及南美洲native Indians的purity,不如说是借此来赞美自己的文化——欧洲白人文化:1. Oroonoko的cultivation来自于法国tutor以及与英国人西班牙人等贸易往来时的交往;2.对南美洲印第安人的赞美(亚当与夏娃)和对Oroonoko外貌(罗马鼻子等)和灵魂(比做罗马神话中的Mars等)均使用欧洲白人文化的经典意象。Oroonoko实际上是被欧洲白人文化改造过的。他们完美是因为他们像“我们”(欧洲白人)。前面1/3或许是宫斗戏鼻祖?后宫争宠算计,安插眼线,美人计等等元素一个不落。无论是人物语言还是肢体动作描写均很夸张,像极了舞台剧,老师说这是戏仿复辟时代喜剧03-16
  • 妙吉祥虚空藏
    总是讨论早期作品是否算是文学作品没太大意思,作者声称文本前半截是听闻,后半截是亲眼见到的,但后半部分杀妻等必然有大量虚构想象的成分,而且叙述者并不等同于真的FBA作者,全文中叙述者从未说过自己就是Aphra Behn(至少我看的版本里没有)。所以文本可能不是基于真实的奴隶叙事,但肯定是真的文学作品Oroonoko/Caesar杀完Imoinda/ Clemene后并没有按照之前说的那样去报仇,可能原因1 作者写烦了匆匆结束文章 2 报仇的情节对奴隶制秩序是很大的颠覆,迫于舆论压力放弃了构思 08-02
  • 劈叉
    it makes me sooooooo uncomfortable with her hypocritical narrative but i do wish i had read it when i was in college or even younger 01-29

