
Thomas Sterling is Professor of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University. He serves as the Executive Associate Director of the Center for Research in Extreme Scale Technologies (CREST) and as its Chief Scientist. He is most widely known for his pioneering work in commodity cluster computing as leader of the Beowulf Project for which he and colleagues were awarded the Gordon Bell Prize. Professor Sterling currently leads a team of researchers at IU to enable a new generation of extreme scale computing systems and applications. He is the co-author of six books and holds six patents. He has taught a graduate level course upon which this textbook will be heavily informed, five times.
Maciej Brodowicz is Advanced Parallel Computing Engineer at the Center for Research in Extreme Scale Technologies (CREST) at Indiana University.
Matthew is Principal Software Research Engineer at the Center for Research in Extreme Scale Technologies (CREST) at Indiana University.



Thomas Sterling is Professor of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University. He serves as the Executive Associate Director of the Center for Research in Extreme Scale Technologies (CREST) and as its Chief Scientist. He is most widely known for his pioneering work in commodity cluster computing as leader of the Beowulf Project for which he and colleagues were awarded the Gor...



  • CodeArhat
  • 看书的初衷是关注软件性能,不过看了之后才发现选错了。不过本书介绍超级计算的领域,也是我之前未接触过的,也算是一种领域拓展。不过有很多硬件基础是相通的。好的地方是思维比较清晰,涉及面相对较广,不足就是很多技术都是罗列与浅显的介绍,没有实质的技术含量,而且内容不够深入,如有些没基础的概念,看上去也不容易理解03-25

