

We were all made for greatness. But so many of us end up chasing the wrong thing in life. We focus on work over family, and success over significance. And when our lives come to an end, we are filled with regret. What if the secret to living a meaningful and fulfilled life wasn't as hard as it sounds? What if you didn't have to sacrifice success to be present to your loved ones? What if you didn't have to sacrifice your health to achieve success? What if focusing on a few key areas changed everything? And what if change was as simple as setting an alarm? Eric Partaker's story will challenge you to remember what's most important and start living a life that truly matters. Are you ready to set your three alarms and wake up to the challenge of living life fully alive?



  • momo
  • 车车amazing
    一本很快可以读完的小书。作者Eric曾经在15,000尺高空濒临猝死,飞机迫降在法国才得以急救。这件事情狠狠的摇醒了他,他只是工作不在意,健康是不行的。他认为人生最重要的三件事情是Health健康,Relationship关系,Wealth工作。他在这三个方面想要给自己建立一个新的identity,每天会设三个闹钟,提醒自己定时进入这三个身份,让自己在这方面可以做到最好。虽然我不是那一种很需要每一件事情都要peak performance,作者提倡的这种方法,通过闹钟来提醒自己的identity,等于是在思考自己想要追求什么样的价值,想要变成什么样的人,以此来做更好的决定和行为。这个点对我来说是挺有用的。(为什么这本书没人看,然后也没封面)09-15

