
Shane Parrish is the founder, curator and wisdom seeker behind Farnam Street (www.fs.blog).
What started as a personal, anonymous blog where Shane could explore what others have discovered about decision making, purposeful living, and how the world works, quickly blossomed into one of the fastest-growing websites in the world.
With over 250,000 subscribers, consistently sold-out workshops and over 10 million podcast downloads, Farnam Street has become the go-to resource that CEOs, athletes, professional coaches and entrepreneurs rely on to find a signal in a world of noise.
Shane's work has been featured in nearly every major publication, including the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, and Forbes.


The old saying goes, "To the man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail." But anyone who has done any kind of project knows a hammer often isn't enough.

The more tools you have at your disposal, the more likely you'll use the right tool for the job — and get it done right.

The same is true when it comes to your thinking. The quality of your outcomes depends on the mental models in your head. And most people are going through life with little more than a hammer.

Until now.

The Great Mental Models: General Thinking Concepts is the first book in The Great Mental Models series designed to upgrade your thinking with the best, most useful and powerful tools so you always have the right one on hand.

This volume details nine of the most versatile, all-purpose mental models you can use right away to improve your decision making, productivity, and how clearly you see the world. You will discover what forces govern the universe and how to focus your efforts so you can harness them to your advantage, rather than fight with them or worse yet— ignore them.

Shane Parrish is the founder, curator and wisdom seeker behind Farnam Street (www.fs.blog).

What started as a personal, anonymous blog where Shane could explore what others have discovered about decision making, purposeful living, and how the world works, quickly blossomed into one of the fastest-growing websites in the world.

With over 250,000 subscribers, consistently sold-ou...



  • 飞羽醉月
    可能和目标读者不符,对我来说书里的内容不新鲜。如果你不知道什么是mental models,可以读第一章,但也就仅仅推荐第一章。但真想了解,不如去看芒格的演讲稿。后面几章介绍几个思维模型的文字和公众号科普文水平相当,不值得花时间。以及不要买Audiobook,因为很不幸,是作者自己读的。LC社区这一年里对我的帮助甚多,所以多给一分。10-24
  • p
    Great but (thus?) misleading title. I wouldn’t call these mental models but cognitive tips. A lot of it is tedious repetitive and sometimes illogical fluff (albeit short) with little new ideas. What I enjoyed though was reversal thinking and the example of tobacco ad for women.07-02
  • Aioy
    订了 fs 的 newsletter 给推的他们自己出的书,说是被华尔街日报评为畅销书的一本。试读了免费的 sample 有点啰嗦,没啥新观点,但是看看出版时间是 2019 年欸?10-24
  • Nova
  • 微雨青城

