

The artist:
Touko Laaksonen, the boy who would become Tom of Finland (1920-1991), began drawing cartoons at age five. His favorite subjects were the rough manly men of his native Finland, as Touko knew from an early age that men interested him more than women. His talents were further honed by art study in Helsinki. He found success in the Finnish advertising industry but secretly continued creating his increasingly erotic drawings of hyper-masculine men. In 1957 he submitted some drawings to the American magazine Physique Pictorial and the ""Tom of Finland"" legend was born. By the late 60s Tom's ""dirty drawings"" became the standard for gay art, and Tom's Men a template for a new gay masculinity. Tom's art continues to play an important role in promoting self-confidence, positive self-image and openness in the gay community.
The editor and author:
Dian Hanson was born in Seattle in 1951. For 25 years she produced various men’s magazines, including Puritan, Juggs and Leg Show, before becoming TASCHEN's sexy book editor in 2001. Her many books for TASCHEN include The New Erotic Photography Vol. 2 and Robert Crumb: Sketchbooks 1982-2011. She lives in Los Angeles.


Mustaches and muscles: Back to the days when men were men and sex was carefree In 1965, Tom of Finland began flirting with the idea of an ongoing character for his panel stories, the ultimate Tom’s Man. He tried out a blond named Vicky—a common male name in Finland—followed by a Tarzan-inspired Jack. Then in 1968 Tom settled on Kake, a dark-haired, mustached leatherman who ofte...



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    换掉几年前初版的彩封,变成黑白更适合主题。KAKE这个角色的全集26篇高达六百多页,有人说其实缺了东西(比如海滩一篇),但Taschen这个出版社应该做事没有这么不严谨吧嘻嘻。开头有作者Touko Laaksonen的生平和旧日男友合影等,后面则有他自己的剪贴簿。以十几美元的低价,绝对超值。01-23
  • 苏夫佳
    TOF的艺术风格对推动西方男同性恋群体的审美转向起了至关重要的作用,同志群体内部也不只有阴柔优雅的单一审美标准,阳刚威猛的男同志形象也逐渐流行,电影、电视、时尚、gay porn产业中随处可见其影响。更重要的是,TOF笔下的男男性行为是纯粹愉悦的交合,性活动参与者奔放自信,不再是以往那种遮遮掩掩、自卑伤感的同志形象。他曾阐述自己的创作理念说:“I work very hard to make sure that the men I draw having sex are proud men having happy sex!" 如今,pride 和 pursuit of happiness 已然成为当代性少数群体构建自我身份中的核心价值了!05-19
  • *Salahdin*
  • Su...zy
  • 杀手太凉
    So damn erotic!!!!!11-27

