

Studies of Chinese society commonly emphasizze men's roles and functions, a not unreasonable approach to a society with patrilineal kinship structure. But this emphasis has left many important gaps in our knowledge of Chinese life.

This study seeks to fill some of these gaps by examining the ways rural Taiwanese women manipulate men and each other in the pursuit of their personal goals. The source of a woman's power, her home in a social structure dominated by men, is what the author calls the uterine family, a de facto social unity consisting of a mother and her children.

The first four chapters are devoted to general background material: a brief historical sketch of Taiwan and a description fo the settings in which the author's observations were made; the history of a particular family; the relation of Chinese women to the Chinese kinship system; and the interrelationships among women in the community. The remaining ten chapters take up in detail the successive stages of the Taiwanese woman's life cycle: infancy, childhood, engagement, marriage, motherhood, and old age. Throught the book the author presents detailed information on such topics as marriage negotiations, childbirth, child training practices, and the organization of women's groups.



  • vademecum
  • 廖芜
    虽然一些语句有些OUTDATED,但是第三章讲UTERINE FAMILIES简直句句都击中我心,将农村女性的生存技巧条分缕析地呈现在我面前,让读者重新审视那些“厉害”的女人的生存技能和知识(knowledge)。此种领悟,得之于心喻之于怀,无尽欣喜。06-23
  • 看哭 又 看笑。(Yunxiang叔叔要是认真看了这本书,就不会写成那样)04-30
  • Lordey
    uterine family vicious circle victimised both female and male. 写法略凌乱 自带现代女权视角会愤而弃之02-02
  • egg-white
    finally realize why it was so good11-08

