
The field of quantum optics has witnessed significant theoretical and experimental developments in recent years. This book provides an in-depth and wide-ranging introduction to the subject, emphasising throughout the basic principles and their applications. The book begins by developing the basic tools of quantum optics, and goes on to show the application of these tools in a variety of quantum optical systems, including lasing without inversion, squeezed states and atom optics. The final four chapters are devoted to a discussion of quantum optical tests of the foundations of quantum mechanics, and to particular aspects of measurement theory. Assuming only a background of standard quantum mechanics and electromagnetic theory, and containing many problems and references, this book will be invaluable to graduate students of quantum optics, as well as to researchers in this field.



  • ส้?
    “Scully书有将近一半的篇幅是介绍他和他的学生发展起来的专题,比如无反转激光(LWI)、Micromaser、Correlation emission laser等等(还有chap15、20、21)”01-14
  • 黑洞
  • Nebula
    这学期量光教材 Zubairy亲自上阵 讲的很细致 物理图像也很清楚11-13
  • babysoul
    竟然在本科的时候用过这本教材上课,当时的老师曾到过作者之一那里作访问,后来我也见过另一个作者,呵呵~ 世界真小10-23
  • 紫木

