
In his inimitable style, British cartoonist Tom Gauld has opened comics to a crossover audience and challenged perceptions of what the medium can be. Noted as a “book-lover’s cartoonist,” Gauld’s weekly strips in The Guardian, Britain’s most well-regarded newspaper, stitch together the worlds of literary criticism and pop culture to create brilliantly executed, concise comics. Simultaneously silly and serious, Gauld adds an undeniable lightness to traditionally highbrow themes. From sarcastic panels about the health hazards of being a best-selling writer to a list of magical items for fantasy writers (such as the Amulet of Attraction, which summons mainstream acceptance, Hollywood money, and fresh coffee), Gauld’s cartoons are timely and droll―his trademark British humour, impeccable timing, and distinctive visual style sets him apart from the rest.

Lauded both for his frequent contributions to New Scientist, The Guardian and The New York Times, and his Eisner-nominated graphic novels, Tom Gauld is one of the most celebrated cartoonists working today. In Baking with Kafka, he proves this with one witty, sly, ridiculous comic after another.



  • 猫伯爵
    这是一本Tom Gauld 以文学为主题(大部分是曾经发表在书评杂志上的漫画)睿智幽默,自带吐槽,而吐槽的另一面还是透露着作者对文学对书的热爱。一页页翻看下去有点舍不得看完。06-23
  • IronMick-tt8
  • 摄氏233度
  • 歹眠
    The Guardian的political漫画集锦,关于出版、写作、诗歌、种族、阶级、科技、教育、女性主义等的新视角笑话。您今天想来杯什么作家酒?我们有 被拒的手稿 固执的出版商 凶神恶煞的评论家 扫兴的销量!11-25
  • yvtp

