
"It's about time this book was written. It is a long-overdue manifesto for the mobile lifestyle, and Tim Ferriss is the ideal ambassador. This will be huge."

–Jack Canfield

Co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul®, 100+ million copies sold

"This is a whole new ball game.  Highly recommended."

–Dr. Stewart D. Friedman

Adviser to Jack Welch and Former Vice President Al Gore on Work/Family Issues

Director of the Work/Life Integration Project, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

"Stunning and amazing. From mini-retirements to outsourcing your life,

it's all here. Whether you're a wage slave or a Fortune 500 CEO, this

book will change your life!"

–Phil Town

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author of Rule #1

"The 4-Hour Workweek is a new way of solving a very old problem: just how can we work to live and prevent our lives from being all about work?  A world of infinite options awaits those who would read this book and be inspired by it!"  

–Michael E. Gerber

Founder & Chairman of E-Myth Worldwide and the World's #1 Small Business Guru

“Timothy has packed more lives into his 29 years than Steve Jobs has in his 51.”

–Tom Foremski

Journalist and Publisher of SiliconValleyWatcher.com

“Thanks to Tim Ferriss, I have more time in my life to travel, spend time with family and write book blurbs. This is a dazzling and highly useful


–A.J. Jacobs

Editor-at-Large, Esquire Magazine, Author of The Know-It-All

"If you want to live life on your own terms, this is your blueprint."

–Mike Maples

Co-founder of Motive Communications (IPO to $260M market cap), Founding Executive of Tivoli (sold to IBM for $750M)

"Tim is Indiana Jones for the digital age. I've already used his advice to go spearfishing on remote islands and ski the best hidden slopes of Argentina. Simply put, do what he says and you can live like a millionaire."

–Albert Pope

Derivatives Trading, UBS World Headquarters

“This engaging book makes you ask the most important question that you will ever face: What exactly is it that you want out of work and life, and why? Tim Ferriss is a master of getting more for less, often with the help of people he doesn't even know, and here he gives away his secrets for fulfilling your dreams.”

–Bo Burlingham

Editor-at-Large, Inc. magazine

Author of Small Giants: Companies That Choose To Be Great Instead of Big

"Reading this book is like putting a few zeros on your income.  Tim brings lifestyle to a new level–listen to him!"

–Michael D. Kerlin

McKinsey & Company Consultant to Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund

J. William Fulbright Scholar

"Part scientist and part adventure hunter, Tim Ferriss has created a road map for an entirely new world.  I devoured this book in one sitting–I have seen nothing like it."

–Charles L. Brock

Chairman and CEO, Brock Capital Group

Former CFO, COO, and General Counsel, Scholastic, Inc.

Former President, Harvard Law School Association

"Outsourcing is no longer just for Fortune 500 companies.  Small and mid-sized firms, as well as busy professionals, can outsource their work to increase their productivity and free time for more important commitments. It's time for the world to take advantage of this revolution.”

–Vivek Kulkarni

CEO Brickwork India and former IT Secretary, Bangalore

Credited as the “techno-bureaucrat” who helped make Bangalore an IT destination in India

"Tim is the master! I should know. I followed his rags to riches path and watched him transform himself from competitive fighter to entrepreneur. He tears apart conventional assumptions until he finds a better way."

–Dan Partland

Emmy Award-Winning Producer; American High, Welcome to the Dollhouse

"The 4-Hour Workweek is an absolute necessity for those adventurous souls who want to live life to its fullest.  Buy it and read it before you sacrifice any more!"

–John Lusk

Group Product Manager, Microsoft World Headquarters

"If you want to live your dreams now, and not in 20 or 30 years, buy this book!"

–Laura Roden

Chairman of the Silicon Valley Association of Start-up Entrepreneurs

Lecturer in Corporate Finance, San Jose State University

“With this kind of time management and focus on the important things in life, people should be able to get 15 times as much done in a normal work week.”

–Tim Draper

Founder, Draper Fisher Jurvetson

Financiers to innovators including Hotmail, Skype, and Overture.com

"Tim Ferriss’s book is about gaining the courage to streamline your life … But even more than that, it challenges the reader to seriously consider an essential–yet rarely asked–question:  What do you really want from life?"

–Rolf Potts

Author of Vagabonding and Travel Columnist for Yahoo! News

"Tim has done what most people only dream of doing. I can't believe he is going to let his secrets out of the bag. This book is a must read!"

–Stephen Key

Top Inventor and Team Designer of Teddy Ruxpin, Lazer Tag

Consultant to “American Inventor”




  • Ying
    via Chris M. 看书名就觉得好扯嘛,看了之后更觉得好扯嘛。一个很简单的逻辑是,如果你真的很热爱你做的事情,你怎么舍得每周只花4小时在它上面?06-28
  • 秋云山
    这本书读起来非常刺激,但有短期刺激营销的嫌疑。听说作者Timothy Ferriss虽然在书里描述他工作只需要一周那么一丁点时间,但实际上他每天每时每刻都在工作。What an irony.03-31
  • Karuto
    书中提倡的很多方法,比如减少工作时间只做最重要部分、将其余工作事项外包、如何利用人脉和媒体将自己包装成专家等等,这些伎俩是作者基于自己营销员的经验总结来的,但对于很多以技术水平为第一指标的手艺类职业,比如裁缝或工程师,却非常不适用,因为这些职业的核心只能通过漫长的动手练习逐步精通。当然,一些观点还是值得借鉴的:同一时间只专注做一件最重要的事情。选择性忽视工作生活中的 friction。次要的事情上,权利外放。屏蔽媒体。对身边充满正能量的人保持关注。强调自己的优势,而不是一味弥补自己的劣势。兴趣和精力有高低潮是自然现象。给自己两三个月时限去做一件事情,往往是拖延浪费掉前面的 90%,在最后几天拼命赶,所以还不如从一开始就不要给自己太多的宽裕时间完成。12-20
  • Joincle
    如果说《世界是平的》是全球化3.0时代的政府版和企业版,那么该书就是全球化3.0个人版。作者通过在书中分四步DEAL——Definition, Elimination, Automation, Liberation(定位、精简、自控和解放),一步一步实现每周工作4小时,进一步使我们的自我选择越多越好,而不是等到被选择。12-19
  • Lo
    这本鸡血书竟然给了我某种久违的tranquility> <也许只是时间和看书时的心对了04-20

