

Barbara Oakley, PhD, a 'female Indiana Jones,' is one of the few women to hold a doctorate in systems engineering. She chronicled her adventures on Soviet fishing boats in the Bering Sea in Hair of the Dog: Tales from Aboard a Russian Trawler. She also served as a radio operator in Antarctica and rose from private to captain in the U.S. Army. Now an associate professor of engineering at Oakland University in Michigan, Oakley is a recent vice president of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Her work has appeared in publications ranging from The New York Times to the IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience.


Mindshift reveals how we can overcome stereotypes and preconceived ideas about what is possible for us to learn and become—regardless of age.

In an age when we are constantly being asked to retrain and reinvent ourselves, to adapt to new technologies and changing industries, this book assuages our fears and inspires us with a sense of possibility. Our passions and talents may actually surprise us. In Mindshift, Barbara Oakley tells the stories of people who have overcome learning "handicaps" of all kinds—such as Imposter's Syndrome and advancing age—and shows how we can turn perceived weaknesses into strengths. For example, people may feel like they're at a disadvantage if they pursue a new field later in life; yet those who change careers can be fertile cross-pollinators—they bring valuable insights from one discipline to another. The power of simple persistence in building talent is also often underestimated.

Dr. Oakley reveals the latest neuroscientific insights into how our brains change when we learn something new. She shares strategies for learning that are backed by brain science, including practical exercises to apply in our own lives.

Barbara Oakley, PhD, a 'female Indiana Jones,' is one of the few women to hold a doctorate in systems engineering. She chronicled her adventures on Soviet fishing boats in the Bering Sea in Hair of the Dog: Tales from Aboard a Russian Trawler. She also served as a radio operator in Antarctica and rose from private to captain in the U.S. Army. Now an associate professor of engin...



  • 因信稱大胃
    急診下夜打發時間的讀物之一。作為<A Mind for Numbers>的續集,每章以一個成功「跨界」的案例,帶出相關的自我和變革管理的經驗和原則。最後幾章強推了一把慕課,作者认为是當代人保持終身學習和自我升值的重要手段。好看是好看,但沒有特別開腦洞,所以中途還擱置了好一段時間,差點半途而廢。Anyway, check. 12-25
  • 丸子(^.^)v
    光是要按时睡觉这点就很难 已经晚上10:45pm 还没健身 …… 10-08
  • Welfare
  • 淡定哥走路带风
    2019.06.23 See Evernote Capatures06-24
  • 沙加
    A “mindshift” is a deep change in life that occurs thanks to learning.05-11

