
Hello, I'm Steve.
I'm a programmer, photographer, dancer & bassist currently living in Rochester, New York.
If you want to get in touch with me, email is best.


Learn Vimscript the Hard Way is a book for users of the Vim editor who want to learn how to customize Vim.

It is not a guide to using Vim. Before reading this book you should be comfortable editing text in Vim and know what terms like "buffer", "window" and "insert mode" mean.

The book is divided roughly into three sections:

The first covers basic Vim commands that you can use in your ~/.vimrc file to customize Vim quickly and easily.

The second looks more deeply at Vimscript as a programming language, covering things like variables, comparisons, and functions.

The third walks through the creation of a sample plugin intended for distribution to other Vim users.

The book is copyright 2013 by Steve Losh, all rights reserved. You can redistribute this HTML version as long as you don't make any changes and don't charge for it.

The book will always be free to read online.


Hello, I'm Steve.

I'm a programmer, photographer, dancer & bassist currently living in Rochester, New York.

If you want to get in touch with me, email is best.



  • 潜水员
  • Titan_Pascal
    在简历上写了“Vim 大师”,这不得补补课?===============================感觉一般吧,不是很精炼,但是市面上同类书籍也没多少好的,这就还算不错了。看完基本跟着谷歌能自己写vim 插件,还是要多动手。06-06
  • h0n9xu
  • 谢潇之

