

Richard J. Bauckham is Lecturer in the History of Christian Thought at the Univeristy of Manchester, England. He holds the B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Cambridge. He has published articles in The Journal of Theological Studies, The Reformed Journal, Evangelical Quarterly, and Tyndale Bulletin, and is a specialist in the area of eschatology and apocalypticism


When published in 1964, Moltmann's Theology of Hope restored eschatology to the forefront of Christian theology. In 1995, The Coming of God: Christian Eschatology was no less significant as a major systematic study and rethinking of Christian ideas about the "end of all things". Moltmann himself, along with four other theologians, discusses the significance and implications of his new ideas about eschatology. They provide a detailed assessment of its key aspects and creative interactions with his project. Eight new essays by Moltmann extend his work and address such questions as the God-world relation, Hell, biblical hope, the postmodern situation, and the ethical and political implications of a renewed eschatology.

Richard J. Bauckham is Lecturer in the History of Christian Thought at the Univeristy of Manchester, England. He holds the B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Cambridge. He has published articles in The Journal of Theological Studies, The Reformed Journal, Evangelical Quarterly, and Tyndale Bulletin, and is a specialist in the area of eschatology and apocalypti...


