

Marco Iansiti, the David Sarnoff Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, also heads the school's Technology and Operations Management Unit and the Digital Initiative. Iansiti is an expert on digital innovation, with a special focus on strategy and business and operating model transformation. He advises Global 1000 companies on digital strategy and transformation and has conducted research on a variety of organizations, including Microsoft, Facebook, IBM, Amazon, Alibaba, and Google, among many others. He is the author of several books, including, with Roy Levien, The Keystone Advantage: What the New Dynamics of Business Ecosystems Mean for Strategy, Innovation, and Sustainability and One Strategy: Organization, Planning, and Decision Making, with Steven Sinofsky. He has authored more than 100 articles, cases, and notes, including "The Ecology of Strategy" (with Roy Levien) and "Digital Ubiquity," "Managing Our Hub Economy," and "The Truth About Blockchain" (with Karim Lakhani). Each was published in Harvard Business Review and selected as one of the top ten articles of the year. Karim R. Lakhani is the Charles E. Wilson Professor of Business Administration and the Dorothy and Michael Hintze Fellow at Harvard Business School. He is the founder and codirector of the Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard, the principal investigator of the NASA Tournament Laboratory at the Harvard Institute for Quantitative Social Science, and the faculty cofounder of the Digital Initiative at HBS. He is also Chair of the Harvard Business Analytics Program. He specializes in technology management and innovation. He is a coeditor of the books Revolutionizing Innovation: Users, Communities, and Open Innovation and Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software and the author of over 100 articles and case studies on the emerging digital economy and the changing nature of work and companies. His research has been featured in BusinessWeek, the Boston Globe, the Economist, Fast Company, Inc. magazine, the New York Times, the New York Academy of Sciences Magazine, Science, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and Wired.


In industry after industry, data, analytics, and AI-driven processes are transforming the nature of work. While we often still treat AI as the domain of a specific skill, business function, or sector, we have entered a new era in which AI is challenging the very concept of the firm. AI-centric organizations exhibit a new operating architecture, redefining how they create, capture, share, and deliver value.

Marco Iansiti and Karim R. Lakhani show how reinventing the firm around data, analytics, and AI removes traditional constraints on scale, scope, and learning that have constrained business growth for hundreds of years. From Airbnb to Ant Financial, Microsoft to Amazon, research shows how AI-driven processes are vastly more scalable than traditional processes, drive massive scope increase, enabling companies to straddle industry boundaries, and enable powerful opportunities for learning--to drive ever more accurate, complex, and sophisticated predictions.

When traditional operating constraints are removed, strategy becomes a whole new game, one whose rules and likely outcomes this book will make clear. Iansiti and Lakhani:

Present a framework for rethinking business and operating models

Explain how "collisions" between AI-driven/digital and traditional/analog firms are reshaping competition and altering the structure of our economy

Show how these collisions force traditional companies to change their operating models to drive scale, scope, and learning

Explain the risks involved in operating model transformation and how to overcome them

Describe the new challenges and responsibilities for the leaders of these firms

Packed with examples--including the most powerful and innovative global, AI-driven competitors--and based on research in hundreds of firms across many sectors, this is the essential guide for rethinking how your firm competes and operates in the era of AI.

Marco Iansiti, the David Sarnoff Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, also heads the school's Technology and Operations Management Unit and the Digital Initiative. Iansiti is an expert on digital innovation, with a special focus on strategy and business and operating model transformation. He advises Global 1000 companies on digital strategy and trans...



  • GSL
    主要观点就是network effect 和learning effect能够打破传统企业面临的diminishing returns to scale 的僵局实现unlimited scalability。中间分析了很多Tech企业的business model和operating model,有点像HBS案例集锦。06-12
  • 米米
    正在上的一门课的老师推荐的。算是容易读的一本书。AI这个buzz word都快被用烂了,书里也写了AI时代对很多行业,公司重新的塑造,他们为什么能在短时间里scale,strategies等等。但我尤其喜欢的事书最后提到leadership的challenge。经常提新技术对传统行业,公司,职位等等的冲击,却甚少提及给leadership带来的挑战。技术公司变化,对公司企业文化,技术的要求等等都带来很多的冲击。也给了我新的角度去看很多技术的革新。04-30

