
The Dud Avocado follows the romantic and comedic adventures of a young American who heads overseas to conquer Paris in the late 1950s. Edith Wharton and Henry James wrote about the American girl abroad, but it was Elaine Dundy’s Sally Jay Gorce who told us what she was really thinking. Charming, sexy, and hilarious, The Dud Avocado gained instant cult status when it was first published and it remains a timeless portrait of a woman hell-bent on living.

“I had to tell someone how much I enjoyed The Dud Avocado. It made me laugh, scream, and guffaw (which, incidentally, is a great name for a law firm).” –Groucho Marx

"[ The Dud Avocado ] is one of the best novels about growing up fast..." -The Guardian



  • Sin Cera
    难怪是Greta Gerwig的top ten books之一呀,读的时候就觉得是她会导或演的女主角,一会让人觉得世故高傲,一会又觉得她傻得可怜。话说她的top ten里已经看了3本了,宝藏书单。11-13

