
Huda and her family just moved to Dearborn, Michigan, a small town with a big Muslim population. In her old town, Huda knew exactly who she was: She was the hijabi girl. But in Dearborn, everyone is the hijabi girl.

Huda is lost in a sea of hijabis, and she can't rely on her hijab to define her anymore. She has to define herself. So she tries on a bunch of cliques, but she isn't a hijabi fashionista or a hijabi athlete or a hijabi gamer. She's not the one who knows everything about her religion or the one all the guys like. She's miscellaneous, which makes her feel like no one at all. Until she realizes that it'll take finding out who she isn't to figure out who she is.



  • Y门食客
  • momo
    喜欢那部分讲她其实做的一切都是为了找acceptance和approval。还有那个A= You are proving your worth and showing people you deserve to be here. 也对她妈妈希望她能够stand up for herself那段。总而言之这学期没有水课于是在各种夹缝时间里看完了这本graphic novel真好!03-29
  • puffff
    非常可爱的小书~ 喜欢happy ending 接受挣扎是成长的一部分,找到自我不容易,但是值得。04-05

