
Jason Barron is a product manager and illustrator who helps people realise their creative ideas through visual learning. He spent 86 class days, 516 hours of class time, and worked through mountains of homework in completing his MBA. Along the way, rather than taking notes that he would never read again, Jason created sketchnotes for each class to create a much more interesting and useful resource. This is his first book.


Learn an entire MBA course without spending thousands and waving goodbye to two years of your life

If you want to succeed in business then an MBA programme is the best way to build expertise, knowledge and experience. But an MBA programme at any top school is an enormous investment in time, effort and money. In The Visual MBA, Jason Barron offers a radical solution, explaining all key business school concepts through illustrations.

When Barron started his MBA course, he decided to draw all his notes so that other people could benefit from them. And it's a good thing he did, because research shows that more than 65% of us are visual learners and that our brains process illustrations 60,000 times faster than text.

From Marketing, Ethics and Accounting to Organisational Behaviour, Finance, Operations and Strategy, The Visual MBA distils the most important principles of an MBA into an accessible, informative and easily-digestible guide.

Jason Barron is a product manager and illustrator who helps people realise their creative ideas through visual learning. He spent 86 class days, 516 hours of class time, and worked through mountains of homework in completing his MBA. Along the way, rather than taking notes that he would never read again, Jason created sketchnotes for each class to create a much more interesting...



  • Oscar
    这本《The Visual MBA》的作者Jason Barron本身就是设计师,所以画图是信手拈来,风格也比较生动活泼。作者用图文结合的方式分享了MBA课程内容中的基础概念和框架和模型。 优点:1. 可读性高;2. 图文结合,生动活泼;3. 涵盖内容全面。不足:知识点深度不足。04-09
  • Cam
  • 激辣白菜酱
  • Çee
    nice design.10-24
  • 弁財天

