
Primates evolved binocular vision (both eyes facing forward) so that they can see in three dimensions, critical as they jumped from branch to branch. Higher primates developed color vision to better hunt out ripe fruit. Optical illusions succeed because they exploit the limitations of our visual processing. Wrong! All of these beliefs are false, as groundbreaking research by evolutionary scientist and neurobiologist Mark Changizi now reveals. Changizi's research centers on the "why" of human vision. Why do we have binocular vision? Why do we see in color the way we do? Why do optical illusions work? And why are we able to absorb information by reading―a very new invention from an evolutionary perspective―more readily than by hearing, which we've evolved to do over hundreds of thousands of years? The Vision Revolution answers these questions, and proves, with the detailed results of Changizi's fieldwork, that the answers are very different than traditionally believed. A radically new perspective of human vision is now emerging. The Vision Revolution is upon us.


在加州理工学院的斯隆斯沃茨中心研究理论神经生物学时,他完成了《The Vision Revolution》中大多数实验。他的研究范围集中于掌管复杂行为、感知的机体及其工作远离和进化机制。他的处女作出版于2003年,书名为《从25000英尺上看大脑:对大脑复杂性、感知、感性、模糊性的高级探索(克卢威尔学术出版社:多德雷赫特)》。




  • John
  • 熹微
    the simplest way to see the future is to make the future happen05-19

