
David Anandale is the author of The Horus Hersey novel The Damnation of Pythos and the Primarchs novel Roboute Guilliman: Lord of Ultramar. He has also written the Yarrick seriesm, several stories involving the Grey Knights, and The Last Wall, The Hunt for Valkan and Watchers in Death for The Beast Arises. For Space Marine Battles he has waitten The Death of Antagonis and Overfiend. He is a prolific writer of short fiction, including the novella Mephiston: Lord of Death and numerous short stories set in The Horus Heresy, Warhammer 40,000 and Age of Sigmar universes. David lectures at a Canadian university, on subjects ranging from English literature to horror films and video games.


Long before the coming of the Imperium, the realm of Ultramar was ruled by Roboute Guilliman, the last Battle King of Macragge. Even after learning of his true heritage as a primarch son of the Emperor of Mankind, he strove to expand his domain as efficiently and benevolently as possible, with whe XIII Legion Ultramarines as his alone to command. Now, facing a rival empire on the ork-held world of Thoas, Guilliman must his weapons carefully - otherwise his dream of a brighter future could be lost forever.

David Anandale is the author of The Horus Hersey novel The Damnation of Pythos and the Primarchs novel Roboute Guilliman: Lord of Ultramar. He has also written the Yarrick seriesm, several stories involving the Grey Knights, and The Last Wall, The Hunt for Valkan and Watchers in Death for The Beast Arises. For Space Marine Battles he has waitten The Death of Antagonis and Overf...



  • 无冬城的荣
  • Atsu
    HH Primarchs系列的第一部。寓言性质的大远征故事,Guilliman力排众议放弃轨道轰炸以保全Thoas的文明遗迹,结果却出人意料。防御再先进的文明,也难经得起自我倾覆的厄运。10-20
  • Joseph.Mond

