
Gregory T. Cushman is an Associate Professor of History at the University of Kansas, where he teaches courses on international environmental history. He works closely with environmental scientists in interdisciplinary research and teaching and has published a number of articles on climate history and the history of climate science. He was awarded a Fulbright scholarship in 2007.


For centuries, bird guano has played a pivotal role in the agricultural and economic development of Latin America, East Asia and Oceania. As their populations ballooned during the Industrial Revolution, North American and European powers came to depend on this unique resource as well, helping them meet their ever-increasing farming needs. This book explores how the production and commodification of guano has shaped the modern Pacific Basin and the world's relationship to the region. Marrying traditional methods of historical analysis with a broad interdisciplinary approach, Gregory T. Cushman casts this once little-known commodity as an engine of Western industrialization, offering new insight into uniquely modern developments such as environmental consciousness and conservation movements; the ascendance of science, technology and expertise; international relations; and world war.

Gregory T. Cushman is an Associate Professor of History at the University of Kansas, where he teaches courses on international environmental history. He works closely with environmental scientists in interdisciplinary research and teaching and has published a number of articles on climate history and the history of climate science. He was awarded a Fulbright scholarship in 2007...



  • 忘河
    讲鸟粪在秘鲁被发现,被量产并且作为肥料被出口到全球的轨迹。对环境史或者秘鲁史有研究兴趣的人可以读读,书写很有层次感,对ecological imperialism有精彩补充,光是觉得讲鸟粪有意思其实不用读了(指我自己)……04-13
  • 王大福
    学到了很多,但书中信息过于拥挤…全书九章大概可分成三部分,第一部分讲19世纪秘鲁鸟粪商品化在全球引起的蝴蝶效应,比如鸟粪输入使西欧部分地区转向投入密集型农业,出口鸟粪让秘鲁政府有了废奴的本钱,西方科学家对鸟粪肥效的认可掀起guano rush,各个殖民帝国开始在岛屿寻找类似资源等;中间讲受马尔萨斯人口理论影响的政客和技术官僚患上资源焦虑,为了保证肥料供给在岛上驱赶鸟的天敌,破坏了生态平衡,同时对制肥原料的争夺也成为地缘策略的一部分;最后讲战后的developmental state过度捕捞鳀鱼威胁海鸟生存。10-10
  • Trebizond
    全球史、全球太平洋/地方史、环境史、秘鲁史。cushman 堪萨斯大学教授,和沃斯特教授谈笑风生。1、成功的跨学科尝试/问题导向的 结合多种最新学术成果的典范。将全球史、环境史、经济社会史、科学技术史、政治史相结合,阐述guano age与近现代世界形成之关系(具体涉及鸟粪与工业革命 近代世界发展中的不平衡问题 鸟粪与泛美洲早期环境保护运动之关系 鸟粪与蓝色绿色革命 鸟粪时代开启与技术统治/专家治国之关系等)2、被认为较早且成功地实践了所谓“追踪”的全球史研究方法,在我看来,大概就是一网打尽式的研究?不限制时间 空间 议题,释放历史研究对象的流动性,随论述需要而收集 选取材料,进行分析 3、存在的问题是感觉后1/4 略有些冗余,鸟粪时代已然结束,可拟提为鸟粪时代之余绪合并为一章?02-27
  • 余草
    "Ecological imperialism, unlike the way it has been portrayed by Alfred Crosby and Jared Diamond, required concerted colonialism and conscious exploitation of distant peoples and environments to create neo-European societies and modern inequalities. Nature did not predetermine these outcomes.” (342) 09-25
  • 吾唯蝦麗弖津島

